Package: sweep

Matt Dancho

sweep:Tidy Tools for Forecasting

Tidies up the forecasting modeling and prediction work flow, extends the 'broom' package with 'sw_tidy', 'sw_glance', 'sw_augment', and 'sw_tidy_decomp' functions for various forecasting models, and enables converting 'forecast' objects to "tidy" data frames with 'sw_sweep'.

Authors:Matt Dancho [aut, cre], Davis Vaughan [aut]

sweep.pdf |sweep.html
sweep/json (API)

# Installsweep in R:
install.packages('sweep',repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • bike_sales - Fictional sales data for bike shops purchasing Cannondale bikes



6 exports 154 stars 5.04 score 131 dependencies 1 dependents 6.1k downloads

Last updated 6 months agofrom:940f287164



Forecasting Time Series Groups in the tidyverse

Rendered fromSW01_Forecasting_Time_Series_Groups.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 27 2024.

Last update: 2023-12-08
Started: 2017-04-12

Forecasting Using Multiple Models

Rendered fromSW02_Forecasting_Multiple_Models.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 27 2024.

Last update: 2023-12-08
Started: 2017-04-13

Introduction to sweep

Rendered fromSW00_Introduction_to_sweep.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 27 2024.

Last update: 2023-12-08
Started: 2017-04-11

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Adds a sequential index column to a data frameadd_index
Print the ARIMA model parametersarima_string
Print the BATS model parametersbats_string
Fictional sales data for bike shops purchasing Cannondale bikesbike_sales
Augment data according to a tidied modelsw_augment
Augments datasw_augment_columns
Default augment methodsw_augment.default
Construct a single row summary "glance" of a model, fit, or other objectsw_glance
Default glance methodsw_glance.default
Tidy forecast objectssw_sweep
Tidy the result of a time-series model into a summary tibblesw_tidy
Coerces decomposed time-series objects to tibble format.sw_tidy_decomp
Default tidying methodsw_tidy.default
Print the TBATS model parameterstbats_string
Tidying methods for ARIMA modeling of time seriessw_augment.Arima sw_glance.Arima sw_tidy.Arima sw_tidy.stlm tidiers_arima
Tidying methods for BATS and TBATS modeling of time seriessw_augment.bats sw_glance.bats sw_tidy.bats sw_tidy_decomp.bats tidiers_bats
Tidying methods for decomposed time seriessw_tidy_decomp.decomposed.ts tidiers_decomposed_ts
Tidying methods for ETS (Error, Trend, Seasonal) exponential smoothing modeling of time seriessw_augment.ets sw_glance.ets sw_tidy.ets sw_tidy_decomp.ets tidiers_ets
Tidying methods for HoltWinters modeling of time seriessw_augment.HoltWinters sw_glance.HoltWinters sw_tidy.HoltWinters sw_tidy_decomp.HoltWinters tidiers_HoltWinters
Tidying methods for Nural Network Time Series modelssw_augment.nnetar sw_glance.nnetar sw_tidy.nnetar tidiers_nnetar
Tidying methods for STL (Seasonal, Trend, Level) decomposition of time seriessw_augment.stlm sw_glance.stlm sw_tidy.stl sw_tidy_decomp.stl sw_tidy_decomp.stlm tidiers_stl
Tidying methods for StructTS (Error, Trend, Seasonal) / exponential smoothing modeling of time seriessw_augment.StructTS sw_glance.StructTS sw_tidy.StructTS tidiers_StructTS
Validates data frame has column named the same name as variable rename_indexvalidate_index