Package 'timetk'

Title: A Tool Kit for Working with Time Series
Description: Easy visualization, wrangling, and feature engineering of time series data for forecasting and machine learning prediction. Consolidates and extends time series functionality from packages including 'dplyr', 'stats', 'xts', 'forecast', 'slider', 'padr', 'recipes', and 'rsample'.
Authors: Matt Dancho [aut, cre], Davis Vaughan [aut]
Maintainer: Matt Dancho <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 2.9.0
Built: 2024-09-30 04:07:36 UTC

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timetk: Time Series Analysis in the Tidyverse


The timetk package combines a collection of coercion tools for time series analysis.


The timetk package has several benefits:

  1. Visualizing Time Series

  2. Wrangling Time Series.

  3. Preprocessing and Feature Engineering.

To learn more about timetk, start with the documentation:


Maintainer: Matt Dancho [email protected]


See Also

Useful links:

Automatic group-wise Anomaly Detection


anomalize() is used to detect anomalies in time series data, either for a single time series or for multiple time series grouped by a specific column.


  .frequency = "auto",
  .trend = "auto",
  .method = "stl",
  .iqr_alpha = 0.05,
  .clean_alpha = 0.75,
  .max_anomalies = 0.2,
  .message = TRUE



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values


A column containing numeric values


Controls the seasonal adjustment (removal of seasonality). Input can be either "auto", a time-based definition (e.g. "2 weeks"), or a numeric number of observations per frequency (e.g. 10). Refer to tk_get_frequency().


Controls the trend component. For STL, trend controls the sensitivity of the LOESS smoother, which is used to remove the remainder. Refer to tk_get_trend().


The outlier detection method. Default: "stl". Currently "stl" is the only method. "twitter" is planned.


Controls the width of the "normal" range. Lower values are more conservative while higher values are less prone to incorrectly classifying "normal" observations.


Controls the threshold for cleaning the outliers. The default is 0.75, which means that the anomalies will be cleaned using the 0.75 * lower or upper bound of the recomposed time series, depending on the direction of the anomaly.


The maximum percent of anomalies permitted to be identified.


A boolean. If TRUE, will output information related to automatic frequency and trend selection (if applicable).


The anomalize() method for anomaly detection that implements a 2-step process to detect outliers in time series.

Step 1: Detrend & Remove Seasonality using STL Decomposition

The decomposition separates the "season" and "trend" components from the "observed" values leaving the "remainder" for anomaly detection.

The user can control two parameters: frequency and trend.

  1. .frequency: Adjusts the "season" component that is removed from the "observed" values.

  2. .trend: Adjusts the trend window (t.window parameter from stats::stl() that is used.

The user may supply both .frequency and .trend as time-based durations (e.g. "6 weeks") or numeric values (e.g. 180) or "auto", which predetermines the frequency and/or trend based on the scale of the time series using the tk_time_scale_template().

Step 2: Anomaly Detection

Once "trend" and "season" (seasonality) is removed, anomaly detection is performed on the "remainder". Anomalies are identified, and boundaries (recomposed_l1 and recomposed_l2) are determined.

The Anomaly Detection Method uses an inner quartile range (IQR) of +/-25 the median.

IQR Adjustment, alpha parameter

With the default alpha = 0.05, the limits are established by expanding the 25/75 baseline by an IQR Factor of 3 (3X). The IQR Factor = 0.15 / alpha (hence 3X with alpha = 0.05):

  • To increase the IQR Factor controlling the limits, decrease the alpha, which makes it more difficult to be an outlier.

  • Increase alpha to make it easier to be an outlier.

  • The IQR outlier detection method is used in forecast::tsoutliers().

  • A similar outlier detection method is used by Twitter's AnomalyDetection package.

  • Both Twitter and Forecast tsoutliers methods have been implemented in Business Science's anomalize package.


A tibble or data.frame with the following columns:

  • observed: original data

  • seasonal: seasonal component

  • seasadaj: seasonal adjusted

  • trend: trend component

  • remainder: residual component

  • anomaly: Yes/No flag for outlier detection

  • anomaly score: distance from centerline

  • anomaly direction: -1, 0, 1 inidicator for direction of the anomaly

  • recomposed_l1: lower level bound of recomposed time series

  • recomposed_l2: upper level bound of recomposed time series

  • observed_clean: original data with anomalies interpolated


  1. CLEVELAND, R. B., CLEVELAND, W. S., MCRAE, J. E., AND TERPENNING, I. STL: A Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Procedure Based on Loess. Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1990), pp. 3-73.

  2. Owen S. Vallis, Jordan Hochenbaum and Arun Kejariwal (2014). A Novel Technique for Long-Term Anomaly Detection in the Cloud. Twitter Inc.



walmart_sales_weekly %>%
    filter(id %in% c("1_1", "1_3")) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    anomalize(Date, Weekly_Sales)

Between (For Time Series): Range detection for date or date-time sequences


The easiest way to filter time series date or date-time vectors. Returns a logical vector indicating which date or date-time values are within a range. See filter_by_time() for the data.frame (tibble) implementation.


between_time(index, start_date = "start", end_date = "end")



A date or date-time vector.


The starting date


The ending date


Pure Time Series Filtering Flexibilty

The start_date and end_date parameters are designed with flexibility in mind.

Each side of the time_formula is specified as the character 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS', but powerful shorthand is available. Some examples are:

  • Year: ⁠start_date = '2013', end_date = '2015'⁠

  • Month: ⁠start_date = '2013-01', end_date = '2016-06'⁠

  • Day: ⁠start_date = '2013-01-05', end_date = '2016-06-04'⁠

  • Second: ⁠start_date = '2013-01-05 10:22:15', end_date = '2018-06-03 12:14:22'⁠

  • Variations: ⁠start_date = '2013', end_date = '2016-06'⁠

Key Words: "start" and "end"

Use the keywords "start" and "end" as shorthand, instead of specifying the actual start and end values. Here are some examples:

  • Start of the series to end of 2015: ⁠start_date = 'start', end_date = '2015'⁠

  • Start of 2014 to end of series: ⁠start_date = '2014', end_date = 'end'⁠

Internal Calculations

All shorthand dates are expanded:

  • The start_date is expanded to be the first date in that period

  • The end_date side is expanded to be the last date in that period

This means that the following examples are equivalent (assuming your index is a POSIXct):

  • start_date = '2015' is equivalent to start_date = '2015-01-01 + 00:00:00'

  • end_date = '2016' is equivalent to ⁠2016-12-31 + 23:59:59'⁠


A logical vector the same length as index indicating whether or not the timestamp value was within the start_date and end_date range.


  • This function is based on the tibbletime::filter_time() function developed by Davis Vaughan.

See Also

Time-Based dplyr functions:



index_daily <- tk_make_timeseries("2016-01-01", "2017-01-01", by = "day")
index_min   <- tk_make_timeseries("2016-01-01", "2017-01-01", by = "min")

# How it works
# - Returns TRUE/FALSE length of index
# - Use sum() to tally the number of TRUE values
index_daily %>% between_time("start", "2016-01") %>% sum()

# ---- INDEX SLICING ----

# Daily Series: Month of January 2016
index_daily[index_daily %>% between_time("start", "2016-01")]

# Daily Series: March 1st - June 15th, 2016
index_daily[index_daily %>% between_time("2016-03", "2016-06-15")]

# Minute Series:
index_min[index_min %>% between_time("2016-02-01 12:00", "2016-02-01 13:00")]

FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
    filter(date %>% between_time("2016-01", "2016-01"))

Daily Bike Sharing Data


This dataset contains the daily count of rental bike transactions between years 2011 and 2012 in Capital bikeshare system with the corresponding weather and seasonal information.




A tibble: 731 x 16

  • instant: record index

  • dteday : date

  • season : season (1:winter, 2:spring, 3:summer, 4:fall)

  • yr : year (0: 2011, 1:2012)

  • mnth : month ( 1 to 12)

  • hr : hour (0 to 23)

  • holiday : weather day is holiday or not

  • weekday : day of the week

  • workingday : if day is neither weekend nor holiday is 1, otherwise is 0.

  • weathersit :

    • 1: Clear, Few clouds, Partly cloudy, Partly cloudy

    • 2: Mist + Cloudy, Mist + Broken clouds, Mist + Few clouds, Mist

    • 3: Light Snow, Light Rain + Thunderstorm + Scattered clouds, Light Rain + Scattered clouds

    • 4: Heavy Rain + Ice Pallets + Thunderstorm + Mist, Snow + Fog

  • temp : Normalized temperature in Celsius. The values are derived via (t-t_min)/(t_max-t_min), t_min=-8, t_max=+39 (only in hourly scale)

  • atemp: Normalized feeling temperature in Celsius. The values are derived via (t-t_min)/(t_max-t_min), t_min=-16, t_max=+50 (only in hourly scale)

  • hum: Normalized humidity. The values are divided to 100 (max)

  • windspeed: Normalized wind speed. The values are divided to 67 (max)

  • casual: count of casual users

  • registered: count of registered users

  • cnt: count of total rental bikes including both casual and registered


Fanaee-T, Hadi, and Gama, Joao, 'Event labeling combining ensemble detectors and background knowledge', Progress in Artificial Intelligence (2013): pp. 1-15, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.



Box Cox Transformation


This is mainly a wrapper for the BoxCox transformation from the forecast R package. The box_cox_vec() function performs the transformation. box_cox_inv_vec() inverts the transformation. auto_lambda() helps in selecting the optimal lambda value.


box_cox_vec(x, lambda = "auto", silent = FALSE)

box_cox_inv_vec(x, lambda)

  method = c("guerrero", "loglik"),
  lambda_lower = -1,
  lambda_upper = 2



A numeric vector.


The box cox transformation parameter. If set to "auto", performs automated lambda selection using auto_lambda().


Whether or not to report the automated lambda selection as a message.


The method used for automatic lambda selection. Either "guerrero" or "loglik".


A lower limit for automatic lambda selection


An upper limit for automatic lambda selection


The Box Cox transformation is a power transformation that is commonly used to reduce variance of a time series.

Automatic Lambda Selection

If desired, the lambda argument can be selected using auto_lambda(), a wrapper for the Forecast R Package's forecast::BoxCox.lambda() function. Use either of 2 methods:

  1. "guerrero" - Minimizes the non-seasonal variance

  2. "loglik" - Maximizes the log-likelihood of a linear model fit to x


Returns a numeric vector that has been transformed.


See Also

Other common transformations to reduce variance: log(), log1p() and sqrt()


d10_daily <- m4_daily %>% dplyr::filter(id == "D10")

# --- VECTOR ----

value_bc <- box_cox_vec(d10_daily$value)
value    <- box_cox_inv_vec(value_bc, lambda = 1.25119350454964)

# --- MUTATE ----

m4_daily %>%
    dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(value_bc = box_cox_vec(value))

Convert the Period to a Lower Periodicity (e.g. Go from Daily to Monthly)


Convert a data.frame object from daily to monthly, from minute data to hourly, and more. This allows the user to easily aggregate data to a less granular level by taking the value from either the beginning or end of the period.


condense_period(.data, .date_var, .period = "1 day", .side = c("start", "end"))



A tbl object or data.frame


A column containing date or date-time values. If missing, attempts to auto-detect date column.


A period to condense the time series to. Time units are condensed using lubridate::floor_date() or lubridate::ceiling_date().

The value can be:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

  • week

  • month

  • bimonth

  • quarter

  • season

  • halfyear

  • year

Arbitrary unique English abbreviations as in the lubridate::period() constructor are allowed:

  • "1 year"

  • "2 months"

  • "30 seconds"


One of "start" or "end". Determines if the first observation in the period should be returned or the last.


A tibble or data.frame

See Also

Time-Based dplyr functions:


# Libraries

# First value in each month
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    condense_period(.period = "1 month")

# Last value in each month
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    condense_period(.period = "1 month", .side = "end")

Differencing Transformation


diff_vec() applies a Differencing Transformation. diff_inv_vec() inverts the differencing transformation.


  lag = 1,
  difference = 1,
  log = FALSE,
  initial_values = NULL,
  silent = FALSE

diff_inv_vec(x, lag = 1, difference = 1, log = FALSE, initial_values = NULL)



A numeric vector to be differenced or inverted.


Which lag (how far back) to be included in the differencing calculation.


The number of differences to perform.

  • 1 Difference is equivalent to measuring period change.

  • 2 Differences is equivalent to measuring period acceleration.


If log differences should be calculated. Note that difference inversion of a log-difference is approximate.


Only used in the diff_vec_inv() operation. A numeric vector of the initial values, which are used to invert differences. This vector is the original values that are the length of the NA missing differences.


Whether or not to report the initial values used to invert the difference as a message.



This function is NA padded by default so it works well with dplyr::mutate() operations.

Difference Calculation

Single differencing, diff_vec(x_t) is equivalent to: x_t - x_t1, where the subscript _t1 indicates the first lag. This transformation can be interpereted as change.

Double Differencing Calculation

Double differencing, diff_vec(x_t, difference = 2) is equivalent to: ⁠(x_t - x_t1) - (x_t - x_t1)_t1⁠, where the subscript _t1 indicates the first lag. This transformation can be interpereted as acceleration.

Log Difference Calculation

Log differencing, diff_vec(x_t, log = TRUE) is equivalent to: log(x_t) - log(x_t1) = log(x_t / x_t1), where x_t is the series and x_t1 is the first lag.

The 1st difference diff_vec(difference = 1, log = TRUE) has an interesting property where diff_vec(difference = 1, log = TRUE) %>% exp() is approximately 1 + rate of change.


A numeric vector

See Also

Advanced Differencing and Modeling:

Additional Vector Functions:



# --- USAGE ----

diff_vec(1:10, lag = 2, difference = 2) %>%
    diff_inv_vec(lag = 2, difference = 2, initial_values = 1:4)

# --- VECTOR ----

# Get Change
1:10 %>% diff_vec()

# Get Acceleration
1:10 %>% diff_vec(difference = 2)

# Get approximate rate of change
1:10 %>% diff_vec(log = TRUE) %>% exp() - 1

# --- MUTATE ----

m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    mutate(difference = diff_vec(value, lag = 1)) %>%
        difference_inv = diff_inv_vec(
            lag = 1,
            # Add initial value to calculate the inverse difference
            initial_values = value[1]

Stock prices for the "FANG" stocks.


A dataset containing the daily historical stock prices for the "FANG" tech stocks, "FB", "AMZN", "NFLX", and "GOOG", spanning from the beginning of 2013 through the end of 2016.




A "tibble" ("tidy" data frame) with 4,032 rows and 8 variables:


stock ticker symbol


trade date


stock price at the open of trading, in USD


stock price at the highest point during trading, in USD


stock price at the lowest point during trading, in USD


stock price at the close of trading, in USD


number of shares traded


stock price at the close of trading adjusted for stock splits, in USD

Filter (for Time-Series Data)


The easiest way to filter time-based start/end ranges using shorthand timeseries notation. See filter_period() for applying filter expression by period (windows).


filter_by_time(.data, .date_var, .start_date = "start", .end_date = "end")



A tibble with a time-based column.


A column containing date or date-time values to filter. If missing, attempts to auto-detect date column.


The starting date for the filter sequence


The ending date for the filter sequence


Pure Time Series Filtering Flexibilty

The .start_date and .end_date parameters are designed with flexibility in mind.

Each side of the time_formula is specified as the character 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS', but powerful shorthand is available. Some examples are:

  • Year: ⁠.start_date = '2013', .end_date = '2015'⁠

  • Month: ⁠.start_date = '2013-01', .end_date = '2016-06'⁠

  • Day: ⁠.start_date = '2013-01-05', .end_date = '2016-06-04'⁠

  • Second: ⁠.start_date = '2013-01-05 10:22:15', .end_date = '2018-06-03 12:14:22'⁠

  • Variations: ⁠.start_date = '2013', .end_date = '2016-06'⁠

Key Words: "start" and "end"

Use the keywords "start" and "end" as shorthand, instead of specifying the actual start and end values. Here are some examples:

  • Start of the series to end of 2015: ⁠.start_date = 'start', .end_date = '2015'⁠

  • Start of 2014 to end of series: ⁠.start_date = '2014', .end_date = 'end'⁠

Internal Calculations

All shorthand dates are expanded:

  • The .start_date is expanded to be the first date in that period

  • The .end_date side is expanded to be the last date in that period

This means that the following examples are equivalent (assuming your index is a POSIXct):

  • .start_date = '2015' is equivalent to .start_date = '2015-01-01 + 00:00:00'

  • .end_date = '2016' is equivalent to ⁠2016-12-31 + 23:59:59'⁠


Returns a tibble or data.frame that has been filtered.


  • This function is based on the tibbletime::filter_time() function developed by Davis Vaughan.

See Also

Time-Based dplyr functions:



# Filter values in January 1st through end of February, 2013
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
    filter_by_time(.start_date = "start", .end_date = "2013-02") %>%
    plot_time_series(date, adjusted, .facet_ncol = 2, .interactive = FALSE)

Apply filtering expressions inside periods (windows)


Applies a dplyr filtering expression inside a time-based period (window). See filter_by_time() for filtering continuous ranges defined by start/end dates. filter_period() enables filtering expressions like:

  • Filtering to the maximum value each month.

  • Filtering the first date each month.

  • Filtering all rows with value greater than a monthly average


filter_period(.data, ..., .date_var, .period = "1 day")



A tbl object or data.frame


Filtering expression. Expressions that return a logical value, and are defined in terms of the variables in .data. If multiple expressions are included, they are combined with the & operator. Only rows for which all conditions evaluate to TRUE are kept.


A column containing date or date-time values. If missing, attempts to auto-detect date column.


A period to filter within. Time units are grouped using lubridate::floor_date() or lubridate::ceiling_date().

The value can be:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

  • week

  • month

  • bimonth

  • quarter

  • season

  • halfyear

  • year

Arbitrary unique English abbreviations as in the lubridate::period() constructor are allowed:

  • "1 year"

  • "2 months"

  • "30 seconds"


A tibble or data.frame

See Also

Time-Based dplyr functions:


# Libraries

# Max value in each month
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    filter_period(.period = "1 month", value == max(value))

# First date each month
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    filter_period(.period = "1 month", date == first(date))

# All observations that are greater than a monthly average
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    filter_period(.period = "1 month", value > mean(value))

Fourier Series


fourier_vec() calculates a Fourier Series from a date or date-time index.


fourier_vec(x, period, K = 1, type = c("sin", "cos"), scale_factor = NULL)



A date, POSIXct, yearmon, yearqtr, or numeric sequence (scaled to difference 1 for period alignment) to be converted to a fourier series.


The number of observations that complete one cycle.


The fourier term order.


Either "sin" or "cos" for the appropriate type of fourier term.


Scale factor is a calculated value that scales date sequences to numeric sequences. A user can provide a different value of scale factor to override the date scaling. Default: NULL (auto-scale).



This function is NA padded by default so it works well with dplyr::mutate() operations.

Fourier Series Calculation

The internal calculation is relatively straightforward: ⁠fourier(x) = sin(2 * pi * term * x) or cos(2 * pi * term * x)⁠, where term = K / period.

Period Alignment, period

The period alignment with the sequence is an essential part of fourier series calculation.

  • Date, Date-Time, and Zoo (yearqtr and yearmon) Sequences - Are scaled to unit difference of 1. This happens internally, so there's nothing you need to do or to worry about. Future time series will be scaled appropriately.

  • Numeric Sequences - Are not scaled, which means you should transform them to a unit difference of 1 so that your x is a sequence that increases by 1. Otherwise your period and fourier order will be incorrectly calculated. The solution is to just take your sequence and divide by the median difference between values.

Fourier Order, K

The fourier order is a parameter that increases the frequency. K = 2 doubles the frequency. It's common in time series analysis to add multiple fourier orders (e.g. 1 through 5) to account for seasonalities that occur faster than the primary seasonality.

Type (Sin/Cos)

The type of the fourier series can be either sin or cos. It's common in time series analysis to add both sin and cos series.


A numeric vector

See Also

Fourier Modeling Functions:

Additional Vector Functions:



# Set max.print to 50
options_old <- options()$max.print
options(max.print = 50)

date_sequence <- tk_make_timeseries("2016-01-01", "2016-01-31", by = "hour")

# --- VECTOR ---

fourier_vec(date_sequence, period = 7 * 24, K = 1, type = "sin")

# --- MUTATE ---

tibble(date = date_sequence) %>%
    # Add cosine series that oscilates at a 7-day period
        C1_7 = fourier_vec(date, period = 7*24, K = 1, type = "cos"),
        C2_7 = fourier_vec(date, period = 7*24, K = 2, type = "cos")
    ) %>%
    # Visualize
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = contains("_"), names_to = "name", values_to = "value") %>%
        date, value, .color_var = name,
        .smooth = FALSE,
        .interactive = FALSE,
        .title = "7-Day Fourier Terms"

options(max.print = options_old)

Make future time series from existing


Make future time series from existing


  .inspect_weekdays = FALSE,
  .inspect_months = FALSE,
  .skip_values = NULL,
  .insert_values = NULL,
  .bind_data = FALSE



A data.frame or tibble


A date or date-time variable.


Number of future observations. Can be numeric number or a phrase like "1 year".


Uses a logistic regression algorithm to inspect whether certain weekdays (e.g. weekends) should be excluded from the future dates. Default is FALSE.


Uses a logistic regression algorithm to inspect whether certain days of months (e.g. last two weeks of year or seasonal days) should be excluded from the future dates. Default is FALSE.


A vector of same class as idx of timeseries values to skip.


A vector of same class as idx of timeseries values to insert.


Whether or not to perform a row-wise bind of the .data and the future data. Default: FALSE


This is a wrapper for tk_make_future_timeseries() that works on data.frames. It respects dplyr groups.

Specifying Length of Future Observations

The argument .length_out determines how many future index observations to compute. It can be specified as:

  • A numeric value - the number of future observations to return.

    • The number of observations returned is always equal to the value the user inputs.

    • The end date can vary based on the number of timestamps chosen.

  • A time-based phrase - The duration into the future to include (e.g. "6 months" or "30 minutes").

    • The duration defines the end date for observations.

    • The end date will not change and those timestamps that fall within the end date will be returned (e.g. a quarterly time series will return 4 quarters if .length_out = "1 year").

    • The number of observations will vary to fit within the end date.

Weekday and Month Inspection

The .inspect_weekdays and .inspect_months arguments apply to "daily" (scale = "day") data (refer to tk_get_timeseries_summary() to get the index scale).

  • The .inspect_weekdays argument is useful in determining missing days of the week that occur on a weekly frequency such as every week, every other week, and so on. It's recommended to have at least 60 days to use this option.

  • The .inspect_months argument is useful in determining missing days of the month, quarter or year; however, the algorithm can inadvertently select incorrect dates if the pattern is erratic.

Skipping / Inserting Values

The .skip_values and .insert_values arguments can be used to remove and add values into the series of future times. The values must be the same format as the idx class.

  • The .skip_values argument useful for passing holidays or special index values that should be excluded from the future time series.

  • The .insert_values argument is useful for adding values back that the algorithm may have excluded.

Binding with Data

Rowwise binding with the original is so common that I've added an argument .bind_data to perform a row-wise bind of the future data and the incoming data.

This replaces the need to do:

df %>%
   future_frame(.length_out = "6 months") %>%
   bind_rows(df, .)

Now you can just do:

df %>%
    future_frame(.length_out = "6 months", .bind_data = TRUE)


A tibble that has been extended with future date, date-time timestamps.

See Also



# 30-min interval data
taylor_30_min %>%
    future_frame(date, .length_out = "1 week")

# Daily Data (Grouped)
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    future_frame(date, .length_out = "6 weeks")

# Specify how many observations to project into the future
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    future_frame(date, .length_out = 100)

# Bind with Original Data
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    future_frame(date, .length_out = 100, .bind_data = TRUE)

holidays <- tk_make_holiday_sequence(
    start_date = "2017-01-01",
    end_date   = "2017-12-31",
    calendar   = "NYSE")

weekends <- tk_make_weekend_sequence(
    start_date = "2017-01-01",
    end_date   = "2017-12-31"

FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
        .length_out       = "1 year",
        .skip_values      = c(holidays, weekends)

Check if an object is a date class


Check if an object is a date class





A vector to check


Logical (TRUE/FALSE)



tk_make_timeseries("2011") %>% is_date_class()

letters %>% is_date_class()

Lag Transformation


lag_vec() applies a Lag Transformation.


lag_vec(x, lag = 1)

lead_vec(x, lag = -1)



A vector to be lagged.


Which lag (how far back) to be included in the differencing calculation. Negative lags are leads.



This function is NA padded by default so it works well with dplyr::mutate() operations. The function allows both lags and leads (negative lags).

Lag Calculation

A lag is an offset of lag periods. NA values are returned for the number of lag periods.

Lead Calculation

A negative lag is considered a lead. The only difference between lead_vec() and lag_vec() is that the lead_vec() function contains a starting negative value.


A numeric vector

See Also

Modeling and Advanced Lagging:

Vectorized Transformations:



# --- VECTOR ----

# Lag
1:10 %>% lag_vec(lag = 1)

# Lead
1:10 %>% lag_vec(lag = -1)

# --- MUTATE ----

m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    mutate(lag_1 = lag_vec(value, lag = 1))

Log-Interval Transformation for Constrained Interval Forecasting


The log_interval_vec() transformation constrains a forecast to an interval specified by an upper_limit and a lower_limit. The transformation provides similar benefits to log() transformation, while ensuring the inverted transformation stays within an upper and lower limit.


  limit_lower = "auto",
  limit_upper = "auto",
  offset = 0,
  silent = FALSE

log_interval_inv_vec(x, limit_lower, limit_upper, offset = 0)



A positive numeric vector.


A lower limit. Must be less than the minimum value. If set to "auto", selects zero.


An upper limit. Must be greater than the maximum value. If set to "auto", selects a value that is 10% greater than the maximum value.


An offset to include in the log transformation. Useful when the data contains values less than or equal to zero.


Whether or not to report the parameter selections as a message.


Log Interval Transformation

The Log Interval Transformation constrains values to specified upper and lower limits. The transformation maps limits to a function:

log(((x + offset) - a)/(b - (x + offset)))

where a is the lower limit and b is the upper limit

Inverse Transformation

The inverse transformation:

(b-a)*(exp(x)) / (1 + exp(x)) + a - offset


A numeric vector of the transformed series.


See Also

Other common transformations to reduce variance: log(), log1p() and sqrt()



values_trans <- log_interval_vec(1:10, limit_lower = 0, limit_upper = 11)

values_trans_forecast <- c(values_trans, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4)

values_trans_forecast %>%
    log_interval_inv_vec(limit_lower = 0, limit_upper = 11) %>%

Sample of 4 Daily Time Series Datasets from the M4 Competition


The fourth M Competition. M4, started on 1 January 2018 and ended in 31 May 2018. The competition included 100,000 time series datasets. This dataset includes a sample of 4 daily time series from the competition.




A tibble: 9,743 x 3

  • id Factor. Unique series identifier (4 total)

  • date Date. Timestamp information. Daily format.

  • value Numeric. Value at the corresponding timestamp.


This is a sample of 4 daily data sets from the M4 competition.




Sample of 4 Hourly Time Series Datasets from the M4 Competition


The fourth M Competition. M4, started on 1 January 2018 and ended in 31 May 2018. The competition included 100,000 time series datasets. This dataset includes a sample of 4 hourly time series from the competition.




A tibble: 3,060 x 3

  • id Factor. Unique series identifier (4 total)

  • date Date-time. Timestamp information. Hourly format.

  • value Numeric. Value at the corresponding timestamp.


This is a sample of 4 hourly data sets from the M4 competition.




Sample of 4 Monthly Time Series Datasets from the M4 Competition


The fourth M Competition. M4, started on 1 January 2018 and ended in 31 May 2018. The competition included 100,000 time series datasets. This dataset includes a sample of 4 monthly time series from the competition.




A tibble: 9,743 x 3

  • id Factor. Unique series identifier (4 total)

  • date Date. Timestamp information. Monthly format.

  • value Numeric. Value at the corresponding timestamp.


This is a sample of 4 Monthly data sets from the M4 competition.




Sample of 4 Quarterly Time Series Datasets from the M4 Competition


The fourth M Competition. M4, started on 1 January 2018 and ended in 31 May 2018. The competition included 100,000 time series datasets. This dataset includes a sample of 4 quarterly time series from the competition.




A tibble: 9,743 x 3

  • id Factor. Unique series identifier (4 total)

  • date Date. Timestamp information. Quarterly format.

  • value Numeric. Value at the corresponding timestamp.


This is a sample of 4 Quarterly data sets from the M4 competition.




Sample of 4 Weekly Time Series Datasets from the M4 Competition


The fourth M Competition. M4, started on 1 January 2018 and ended in 31 May 2018. The competition included 100,000 time series datasets. This dataset includes a sample of 4 weekly time series from the competition.




A tibble: 9,743 x 3

  • id Factor. Unique series identifier (4 total)

  • date Date. Timestamp information. Weekly format.

  • value Numeric. Value at the corresponding timestamp.


This is a sample of 4 Weekly data sets from the M4 competition.




Sample of 4 Yearly Time Series Datasets from the M4 Competition


The fourth M Competition. M4, started on 1 January 2018 and ended in 31 May 2018. The competition included 100,000 time series datasets. This dataset includes a sample of 4 yearly time series from the competition.




A tibble: 9,743 x 3

  • id Factor. Unique series identifier (4 total)

  • date Date. Timestamp information. Yearly format.

  • value Numeric. Value at the corresponding timestamp.


This is a sample of 4 Yearly data sets from the M4 competition.




Mutate (for Time Series Data)


mutate_by_time() is a time-based variant of the popular dplyr::mutate() function that uses .date_var to specify a date or date-time column and .by to group the calculation by groups like "5 seconds", "week", or "3 months".


  .by = "day",
  .type = c("floor", "ceiling", "round")



A tbl object or data.frame


A column containing date or date-time values to summarize. If missing, attempts to auto-detect date column.


A time unit to summarise by. Time units are collapsed using lubridate::floor_date() or lubridate::ceiling_date().

The value can be:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

  • week

  • month

  • bimonth

  • quarter

  • season

  • halfyear

  • year

Arbitrary unique English abbreviations as in the lubridate::period() constructor are allowed.


Name-value pairs. The name gives the name of the column in the output.

The value can be:

  • A vector of length 1, which will be recycled to the correct length.

  • A vector the same length as the current group (or the whole data frame if ungrouped).

  • NULL, to remove the column.

  • A data frame or tibble, to create multiple columns in the output.


One of "floor", "ceiling", or "round. Defaults to "floor". See lubridate::round_date.


A tibble or data.frame

See Also

Time-Based dplyr functions:


# Libraries

# First value in each month
m4_daily_first_by_month_tbl <- m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
        .date_var = date,
        .by       = "month", # Setup for monthly aggregation
        # mutate recycles a single value
        first_value_by_month  = first(value)

# Visualize Time Series vs 1st Value Each Month
m4_daily_first_by_month_tbl %>%
    tidyr::pivot_longer(value:first_value_by_month) %>%
    plot_time_series(date, value, name,
                     .facet_scale = "free", .facet_ncol = 2,
                     .smooth = FALSE, .interactive = FALSE)

Normalize to Range (0, 1)


Normalization is commonly used to center and scale numeric features to prevent one from dominating in algorithms that require data to be on the same scale.


normalize_vec(x, min = NULL, max = NULL, silent = FALSE)

normalize_inv_vec(x, min, max)



A numeric vector.


The population min value in the normalization process.


The population max value in the normalization process.


Whether or not to report the automated min and max parameters as a message.


Standardization vs Normalization

  • Standardization refers to a transformation that reduces the range to mean 0, standard deviation 1

  • Normalization refers to a transformation that reduces the min-max range: (0, 1)


A numeric vector with the transformation applied.

See Also



d10_daily <- m4_daily %>% dplyr::filter(id == "D10")

# --- VECTOR ----

value_norm <- normalize_vec(d10_daily$value)
value      <- normalize_inv_vec(value_norm,
                                min = 1781.6,
                                max = 2649.3)

# --- MUTATE ----

m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    mutate(value_norm = normalize_vec(value))

Insert time series rows with regularly spaced timestamps


The easiest way to fill in missing timestamps or convert to a more granular period (e.g. quarter to month). Wraps the padr::pad() function for padding tibbles.


  .by = "auto",
  .pad_value = NA,
  .fill_na_direction = c("none", "down", "up", "downup", "updown"),
  .start_date = NULL,
  .end_date = NULL



A tibble with a time-based column.


A column containing date or date-time values to pad


Either "auto", a time-based frequency like "year", "month", "day", "hour", etc, or a time expression like "5 min", or "7 days". See Details.


Fills in padded values. Default is NA.


Users can provide an NA fill strategy using tidyr::fill(). Possible values: 'none', 'down', 'up', 'downup', 'updown'. Default: 'none'


Specifies the start of the padded series. If NULL it will use the lowest value of the input variable.


Specifies the end of the padded series. If NULL it will use the highest value of the input variable.


Padding Missing Observations

The most common use case for pad_by_time() is to add rows where timestamps are missing. This could be from sales data that have missing values on weekends and holidays. Or it could be high frequency data where observations are irregularly spaced and should be reset to a regular frequency.

Going from Low to High Frequency

The second use case is going from a low frequency (e.g. day) to high frequency (e.g. hour). This is possible by supplying a higher frequency to pad_by_time().

Interval, .by

Padding can be applied in the following ways:

  • .by = "auto" - pad_by_time() will detect the time-stamp frequency and apply padding.

  • The eight intervals in are: year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, min, and sec.

  • Intervals like 5 minutes, 6 hours, 10 days are possible.

Pad Value, .pad_value

A pad value can be supplied that fills in missing numeric data. Note that this is only applied to numeric columns.

Fill NA Direction, .fill_na_directions

Uses tidyr::fill() to fill missing observations using a fill strategy.


A tibble or data.frame with rows containing missing timestamps added.


  • This function wraps the padr::pad() function developed by Edwin Thoen.

See Also


Time-Based dplyr functions:



# Create a quarterly series with 1 missing value
missing_data_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
    date = tk_make_timeseries("2014-01-01", "2015-01-01", by = "quarter"),
    value = 1:5
) %>%
    slice(-4) # Lose the 4th quarter on purpose

# Detects missing quarter, and pads the missing regularly spaced quarter with NA
missing_data_tbl %>% pad_by_time(date, .by = "quarter")

# Can specify a shorter period. This fills monthly.
missing_data_tbl %>% pad_by_time(date, .by = "month")

# Can let pad_by_time() auto-detect date and period
missing_data_tbl %>% pad_by_time()

# Can specify a .pad_value
missing_data_tbl %>% pad_by_time(date, .by = "quarter", .pad_value = 0)

# Can then impute missing values
missing_data_tbl %>%
    pad_by_time(date, .by = "quarter") %>%
    mutate(value = ts_impute_vec(value, period = 1))

# Can specify a custom .start_date and .end_date
missing_data_tbl %>%
   pad_by_time(date, .by = "quarter", .start_date = "2013", .end_date = "2015-07-01")

# Can specify a tidyr::fill() direction
missing_data_tbl %>%
   pad_by_time(date, .by = "quarter",
               .fill_na_direction = "downup",
               .start_date = "2013", .end_date = "2015-07-01")

# --- GROUPS ----

# Apply standard NA padding to groups
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
    pad_by_time(.by = "day")

# Apply constant pad value
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
    pad_by_time(.by = "day", .pad_value = 0)

# Apply filled padding to groups
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
    pad_by_time(.by = "day", .fill_na_direction = "down")

Fast, flexible date and datetime parsing


Significantly faster time series parsing than readr::parse_date, readr::parse_datetime, lubridate::as_date(), and lubridate::as_datetime(). Uses anytime package, which relies on Boost.Date_Time C++ library for date/datetime parsing.


parse_date2(x, ..., silent = FALSE)

parse_datetime2(x, tz = "UTC", tz_shift = FALSE, ..., silent = FALSE)



A character vector


Additional parameters passed to anytime() and anydate()


If TRUE, warns the user of parsing failures.


Datetime only. A timezone (see OlsenNames()).


Datetime only. If FALSE, forces the datetime into the time zone. If TRUE, offsets the datetime from UTC to the new time zone.


Parsing Formats

  • Date Formats: Must follow a Year, Month, Day sequence. (e.g. parse_date2("2011 June") is OK, parse_date2("June 2011") is NOT OK).

  • Date Time Formats: Must follow a YMD HMS sequence.

Refer to lubridate::mdy() for Month, Day, Year and additional formats.

Time zones (Datetime)

Time zones are handled in a similar way to lubridate::as_datetime() in that time zones are forced rather than shifted. This is a key difference between anytime::anytime(), which shifts datetimes to the specified timezone by default.


Returns a date or datatime vector from the transformation applied to character timestamp vector.


  • This function wraps the anytime::anytime() and anytime::anydate() functions developed by Dirk Eddelbuettel.


# Fast date parsing
parse_date2("2011 June 3rd")

# Fast datetime parsing
parse_datetime2("2011 Jan 1 12:35:21")

# Time Zones (datetime only)
parse_datetime2("2011 Jan 1 12:35:21", tz = "Europe/London")

Visualize the ACF, PACF, and CCFs for One or More Time Series


Returns the ACF and PACF of a target and optionally CCF's of one or more lagged predictors in interactive plotly plots. Scales to multiple time series with group_by().


  .ccf_vars = NULL,
  .lags = 1000,
  .show_ccf_vars_only = FALSE,
  .show_white_noise_bars = TRUE,
  .facet_ncol = 1,
  .facet_scales = "fixed",
  .line_color = "#2c3e50",
  .line_size = 0.5,
  .line_alpha = 1,
  .point_color = "#2c3e50",
  .point_size = 1,
  .point_alpha = 1,
  .x_intercept = NULL,
  .x_intercept_color = "#E31A1C",
  .hline_color = "#2c3e50",
  .white_noise_line_type = 2,
  .white_noise_line_color = "#A6CEE3",
  .title = "Lag Diagnostics",
  .x_lab = "Lag",
  .y_lab = "Correlation",
  .interactive = TRUE,
  .plotly_slider = FALSE



A data frame or tibble with numeric features (values) in descending chronological order


A column containing either date or date-time values


A numeric column with a value to have ACF and PACF calculations performed.


Additional features to perform Lag Cross Correlations (CCFs) versus the .value. Useful for evaluating external lagged regressors.


A sequence of one or more lags to evaluate.


Hides the ACF and PACF plots so you can focus on only CCFs.


Shows the white noise significance bounds.


Facets: Number of facet columns. Has no effect if using grouped_df.


Facets: Options include "fixed", "free", "free_y", "free_x"


Line color. Use keyword: "scale_color" to change the color by the facet.


Line size (linewidth)


Line opacity. Adjust the transparency of the line. Range: (0, 1)


Point color. Use keyword: "scale_color" to change the color by the facet.


Point size


Opacity. Adjust the transparency of the points. Range: (0, 1)


Numeric lag. Adds a vertical line.


Color for the x-intercept line.


Color for the y-intercept = 0 line.


Line type for white noise bars. Set to 2 for "dashed" by default.


Line color for white noise bars. Set to tidyquant::palette_light() "steel blue" by default.


Title for the plot


X-axis label for the plot


Y-axis label for the plot


Returns either a static (ggplot2) visualization or an interactive (plotly) visualization


If TRUE, returns a plotly x-axis range slider.


Simplified ACF, PACF, & CCF

We are often interested in all 3 of these functions. Why not get all 3+ at once? Now you can.

  • ACF - Autocorrelation between a target variable and lagged versions of itself

  • PACF - Partial Autocorrelation removes the dependence of lags on other lags highlighting key seasonalities.

  • CCF - Shows how lagged predictors can be used for prediction of a target variable.

Lag Specification

Lags (.lags) can either be specified as:

  • A time-based phrase indicating a duraction (e.g. ⁠2 months⁠)

  • A maximum lag (e.g. .lags = 28)

  • A sequence of lags (e.g. .lags = 7:28)

Scales to Multiple Time Series with Groups

The plot_acf_diagnostics() works with grouped_df's, meaning you can group your time series by one or more categorical columns with dplyr::group_by() and then apply plot_acf_diagnostics() to return group-wise lag diagnostics.

Special Note on Groups

Unlike other plotting utilities, the .facet_vars arguments is NOT included. Use dplyr::group_by() for processing multiple time series groups.

Calculating the White Noise Significance Bars

The formula for the significance bars is +2/sqrt(T) and -2/sqrt(T) where T is the length of the time series. For a white noise time series, 95% of the data points should fall within this range. Those that don't may be significant autocorrelations.


A static ggplot2 plot or an interactive plotly plot

See Also



# Apply Transformations
# - Differencing transformation to identify ARIMA & SARIMA Orders
m4_hourly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
        date, value,               # ACF & PACF
        .lags = "7 days",          # 7-Days of hourly lags
        .interactive = FALSE

# Apply Transformations
# - Differencing transformation to identify ARIMA & SARIMA Orders
m4_hourly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
        diff_vec(value, lag = 1), # Difference the value column
        .lags        = 0:(24*7),   # 7-Days of hourly lags
        .interactive = FALSE
    ) +
    ggtitle("ACF Diagnostics",  subtitle = "1st Difference")

# CCFs Too!
walmart_sales_weekly %>%
    select(id, Date, Weekly_Sales, Temperature, Fuel_Price) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
        Date, Weekly_Sales,                        # ACF & PACF
        .ccf_vars    = c(Temperature, Fuel_Price), # CCFs
        .lags        = "3 months", # 3 months of weekly lags
        .interactive = FALSE

Visualize Anomalies for One or More Time Series


plot_anomalies() is an interactive and scalable function for visualizing anomalies in time series data. Plots are available in interactive plotly (default) and static ggplot2 format.

plot_anomalies_decomp(): Takes in data from the anomalize() function, and returns a plot of the anomaly decomposition. Useful for interpeting how the anomalize() function is determining outliers from "remainder".

plot_anomalies_cleaned() helps users visualize the before/after of cleaning anomalies.


  .facet_vars = NULL,
  .facet_ncol = 1,
  .facet_nrow = 1,
  .facet_scales = "free",
  .facet_dir = "h",
  .facet_collapse = FALSE,
  .facet_collapse_sep = " ",
  .facet_strip_remove = FALSE,
  .line_color = "#2c3e50",
  .line_size = 0.5,
  .line_type = 1,
  .line_alpha = 1,
  .anom_color = "#e31a1c",
  .anom_alpha = 1,
  .anom_size = 1.5,
  .ribbon_fill = "grey20",
  .ribbon_alpha = 0.2,
  .legend_show = TRUE,
  .title = "Anomaly Plot",
  .x_lab = "",
  .y_lab = "",
  .color_lab = "Anomaly",
  .interactive = TRUE,
  .trelliscope = FALSE,
  .trelliscope_params = list()

  .facet_vars = NULL,
  .facet_scales = "free",
  .line_color = "#2c3e50",
  .line_size = 0.5,
  .line_type = 1,
  .line_alpha = 1,
  .title = "Anomaly Decomposition Plot",
  .x_lab = "",
  .y_lab = "",
  .interactive = TRUE

  .facet_vars = NULL,
  .facet_ncol = 1,
  .facet_nrow = 1,
  .facet_scales = "free",
  .facet_dir = "h",
  .facet_collapse = FALSE,
  .facet_collapse_sep = " ",
  .facet_strip_remove = FALSE,
  .line_color = "#2c3e50",
  .line_size = 0.5,
  .line_type = 1,
  .line_alpha = 1,
  .cleaned_line_color = "#e31a1c",
  .cleaned_line_size = 0.5,
  .cleaned_line_type = 1,
  .cleaned_line_alpha = 1,
  .legend_show = TRUE,
  .title = "Anomalies Cleaned Plot",
  .x_lab = "",
  .y_lab = "",
  .color_lab = "Legend",
  .interactive = TRUE,
  .trelliscope = FALSE,
  .trelliscope_params = list()



A tibble or data.frame that has been anomalized by anomalize()


A column containing either date or date-time values


One or more grouping columns that broken out into ggplot2 facets. These can be selected using tidyselect() helpers (e.g contains()).


Number of facet columns.


Number of facet rows (only used for .trelliscope = TRUE)


Control facet x & y-axis ranges. Options include "fixed", "free", "free_y", "free_x"


The direction of faceting ("h" for horizontal, "v" for vertical). Default is "h".


Multiple facets included on one facet strip instead of multiple facet strips.


The separator used for collapsing facets.


Whether or not to remove the strip and text label for each facet.


Line color.


Line size.


Line type.


Line alpha (opacity). Range: (0, 1).


Color for the anomaly dots


Opacity for the anomaly dots. Range: (0, 1).


Size for the anomaly dots


Fill color for the acceptable range


Fill opacity for the acceptable range. Range: (0, 1).


Toggles on/off the Legend


Plot title.


Plot x-axis label


Plot y-axis label


Plot label for the color legend


If TRUE, returns a plotly interactive plot. If FALSE, returns a static ggplot2 plot.


Returns either a normal plot or a trelliscopejs plot (great for many time series) Must have trelliscopejs installed.


Pass parameters to the trelliscopejs::facet_trelliscope() function as a list(). The only parameters that cannot be passed are:

  • ncol: use .facet_ncol

  • nrow: use .facet_nrow

  • scales: use facet_scales

  • as_plotly: use .interactive


Line color.


Line size.


Line type.


Line alpha (opacity). Range: (0, 1).


A plotly or ggplot2 visualization


# Plot Anomalies

walmart_sales_weekly %>%
    filter(id %in% c("1_1", "1_3")) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    anomalize(Date, Weekly_Sales) %>%
    plot_anomalies(Date, .facet_ncol = 2, .ribbon_alpha = 0.25, .interactive = FALSE)

# Plot Anomalies Decomposition

walmart_sales_weekly %>%
    filter(id %in% c("1_1", "1_3")) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    anomalize(Date, Weekly_Sales, .message = FALSE) %>%
    plot_anomalies_decomp(Date, .interactive = FALSE)

# Plot Anomalies Cleaned

walmart_sales_weekly %>%
    filter(id %in% c("1_1", "1_3")) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    anomalize(Date, Weekly_Sales, .message = FALSE) %>%
    plot_anomalies_cleaned(Date, .facet_ncol = 2, .interactive = FALSE)

Visualize Anomalies for One or More Time Series


An interactive and scalable function for visualizing anomalies in time series data. Plots are available in interactive plotly (default) and static ggplot2 format.


  .facet_vars = NULL,
  .frequency = "auto",
  .trend = "auto",
  .alpha = 0.05,
  .max_anomalies = 0.2,
  .message = TRUE,
  .facet_ncol = 1,
  .facet_nrow = 1,
  .facet_scales = "free",
  .facet_dir = "h",
  .facet_collapse = FALSE,
  .facet_collapse_sep = " ",
  .facet_strip_remove = FALSE,
  .line_color = "#2c3e50",
  .line_size = 0.5,
  .line_type = 1,
  .line_alpha = 1,
  .anom_color = "#e31a1c",
  .anom_alpha = 1,
  .anom_size = 1.5,
  .ribbon_fill = "grey20",
  .ribbon_alpha = 0.2,
  .legend_show = TRUE,
  .title = "Anomaly Diagnostics",
  .x_lab = "",
  .y_lab = "",
  .color_lab = "Anomaly",
  .interactive = TRUE,
  .trelliscope = FALSE,
  .trelliscope_params = list()



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values


A column containing numeric values


One or more grouping columns that broken out into ggplot2 facets. These can be selected using tidyselect() helpers (e.g contains()).


Controls the seasonal adjustment (removal of seasonality). Input can be either "auto", a time-based definition (e.g. "2 weeks"), or a numeric number of observations per frequency (e.g. 10). Refer to tk_get_frequency().


Controls the trend component. For STL, trend controls the sensitivity of the LOESS smoother, which is used to remove the remainder. Refer to tk_get_trend().


Controls the width of the "normal" range. Lower values are more conservative while higher values are less prone to incorrectly classifying "normal" observations.


The maximum percent of anomalies permitted to be identified.


A boolean. If TRUE, will output information related to automatic frequency and trend selection (if applicable).


Number of facet columns.


Number of facet rows (only used for .trelliscope = TRUE)


Control facet x & y-axis ranges. Options include "fixed", "free", "free_y", "free_x"


The direction of faceting ("h" for horizontal, "v" for vertical). Default is "h".


Multiple facets included on one facet strip instead of multiple facet strips.


The separator used for collapsing facets.


Whether or not to remove the strip and text label for each facet.


Line color.


Line size.


Line type.


Line alpha (opacity). Range: (0, 1).


Color for the anomaly dots


Opacity for the anomaly dots. Range: (0, 1).


Size for the anomaly dots


Fill color for the acceptable range


Fill opacity for the acceptable range. Range: (0, 1).


Toggles on/off the Legend


Plot title.


Plot x-axis label


Plot y-axis label


Plot label for the color legend


If TRUE, returns a plotly interactive plot. If FALSE, returns a static ggplot2 plot.


Returns either a normal plot or a trelliscopejs plot (great for many time series) Must have trelliscopejs installed.


Pass parameters to the trelliscopejs::facet_trelliscope() function as a list(). The only parameters that cannot be passed are:

  • ncol: use .facet_ncol

  • nrow: use .facet_nrow

  • scales: use facet_scales

  • as_plotly: use .interactive


The plot_anomaly_diagnostics() is a visualization wrapper for tk_anomaly_diagnostics() group-wise anomaly detection, implements a 2-step process to detect outliers in time series.

Step 1: Detrend & Remove Seasonality using STL Decomposition

The decomposition separates the "season" and "trend" components from the "observed" values leaving the "remainder" for anomaly detection.

The user can control two parameters: frequency and trend.

  1. .frequency: Adjusts the "season" component that is removed from the "observed" values.

  2. .trend: Adjusts the trend window (t.window parameter from stats::stl() that is used.

The user may supply both .frequency and .trend as time-based durations (e.g. "6 weeks") or numeric values (e.g. 180) or "auto", which predetermines the frequency and/or trend based on the scale of the time series using the tk_time_scale_template().

Step 2: Anomaly Detection

Once "trend" and "season" (seasonality) is removed, anomaly detection is performed on the "remainder". Anomalies are identified, and boundaries (recomposed_l1 and recomposed_l2) are determined.

The Anomaly Detection Method uses an inner quartile range (IQR) of +/-25 the median.

IQR Adjustment, alpha parameter

With the default alpha = 0.05, the limits are established by expanding the 25/75 baseline by an IQR Factor of 3 (3X). The IQR Factor = 0.15 / alpha (hence 3X with alpha = 0.05):

  • To increase the IQR Factor controlling the limits, decrease the alpha, which makes it more difficult to be an outlier.

  • Increase alpha to make it easier to be an outlier.

  • The IQR outlier detection method is used in forecast::tsoutliers().

  • A similar outlier detection method is used by Twitter's AnomalyDetection package.

  • Both Twitter and Forecast tsoutliers methods have been implemented in Business Science's anomalize package.


A plotly or ggplot2 visualization


  1. CLEVELAND, R. B., CLEVELAND, W. S., MCRAE, J. E., AND TERPENNING, I. STL: A Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Procedure Based on Loess. Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1990), pp. 3-73.

  2. Owen S. Vallis, Jordan Hochenbaum and Arun Kejariwal (2014). A Novel Technique for Long-Term Anomaly Detection in the Cloud. Twitter Inc.

See Also



walmart_sales_weekly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    plot_anomaly_diagnostics(Date, Weekly_Sales,
                             .message = FALSE,
                             .facet_ncol = 3,
                             .ribbon_alpha = 0.25,
                             .interactive = FALSE)

Visualize Multiple Seasonality Features for One or More Time Series


An interactive and scalable function for visualizing time series seasonality. Plots are available in interactive plotly (default) and static ggplot2 format.


  .facet_vars = NULL,
  .feature_set = "auto",
  .geom = c("boxplot", "violin"),
  .geom_color = "#2c3e50",
  .geom_outlier_color = "#2c3e50",
  .title = "Seasonal Diagnostics",
  .x_lab = "",
  .y_lab = "",
  .interactive = TRUE



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values


A column containing numeric values


One or more grouping columns that broken out into ggplot2 facets. These can be selected using tidyselect() helpers (e.g contains()).


One or multiple selections to analyze for seasonality. Choices include:

  • "auto" - Automatically selects features based on the time stamps and length of the series.

  • "second" - Good for analyzing seasonality by second of each minute.

  • "minute" - Good for analyzing seasonality by minute of the hour

  • "hour" - Good for analyzing seasonality by hour of the day

  • "wday.lbl" - Labeled weekdays. Good for analyzing seasonality by day of the week.

  • "week" - Good for analyzing seasonality by week of the year.

  • "month.lbl" - Labeled months. Good for analyzing seasonality by month of the year.

  • "quarter" - Good for analyzing seasonality by quarter of the year

  • "year" - Good for analyzing seasonality over multiple years.


Either "boxplot" or "violin"


Geometry color. Line color. Use keyword: "scale_color" to change the color by the facet.


Color used to highlight outliers.


Plot title.


Plot x-axis label


Plot y-axis label


If TRUE, returns a plotly interactive plot. If FALSE, returns a static ggplot2 plot.


Automatic Feature Selection

Internal calculations are performed to detect a sub-range of features to include useing the following logic:

  • The minimum feature is selected based on the median difference between consecutive timestamps

  • The maximum feature is selected based on having 2 full periods.

Example: Hourly timestamp data that lasts more than 2 weeks will have the following features: "hour", "wday.lbl", and "week".

Scalable with Grouped Data Frames

This function respects grouped data.frame and tibbles that were made with dplyr::group_by().

For grouped data, the automatic feature selection returned is a collection of all features within the sub-groups. This means extra features are returned even though they may be meaningless for some of the groups.


The .value parameter respects transformations (e.g. .value = log(sales)).


A plotly or ggplot2 visualization



# Taylor 30-minute dataset from forecast package

# Visualize series
taylor_30_min %>%
    plot_time_series(date, value, .interactive = FALSE)

# Visualize seasonality
taylor_30_min %>%
    plot_seasonal_diagnostics(date, value, .interactive = FALSE)

# m4 hourly dataset

# Visualize series
m4_hourly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    plot_time_series(date, value, .facet_scales = "free", .interactive = FALSE)

# Visualize seasonality
m4_hourly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    plot_seasonal_diagnostics(date, value, .interactive = FALSE)

Visualize STL Decomposition Features for One or More Time Series


An interactive and scalable function for visualizing time series STL Decomposition. Plots are available in interactive plotly (default) and static ggplot2 format.


  .facet_vars = NULL,
  .feature_set = c("observed", "season", "trend", "remainder", "seasadj"),
  .frequency = "auto",
  .trend = "auto",
  .message = TRUE,
  .facet_scales = "free",
  .line_color = "#2c3e50",
  .line_size = 0.5,
  .line_type = 1,
  .line_alpha = 1,
  .title = "STL Diagnostics",
  .x_lab = "",
  .y_lab = "",
  .interactive = TRUE



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values


A column containing numeric values


One or more grouping columns that broken out into ggplot2 facets. These can be selected using tidyselect() helpers (e.g contains()).


The STL decompositions to visualize. Select one or more of "observed", "season", "trend", "remainder", "seasadj".


Controls the seasonal adjustment (removal of seasonality). Input can be either "auto", a time-based definition (e.g. "2 weeks"), or a numeric number of observations per frequency (e.g. 10). Refer to tk_get_frequency().


Controls the trend component. For STL, trend controls the sensitivity of the lowess smoother, which is used to remove the remainder.


A boolean. If TRUE, will output information related to automatic frequency and trend selection (if applicable).


Control facet x & y-axis ranges. Options include "fixed", "free", "free_y", "free_x"


Line color.


Line size.


Line type.


Line alpha (opacity). Range: (0, 1).


Plot title.


Plot x-axis label


Plot y-axis label


If TRUE, returns a plotly interactive plot. If FALSE, returns a static ggplot2 plot.


The plot_stl_diagnostics() function generates a Seasonal-Trend-Loess decomposition. The function is "tidy" in the sense that it works on data frames and is designed to work with dplyr groups.

STL method:

The STL method implements time series decomposition using the underlying stats::stl(). The decomposition separates the "season" and "trend" components from the "observed" values leaving the "remainder".

Frequency & Trend Selection

The user can control two parameters: .frequency and .trend.

  1. The .frequency parameter adjusts the "season" component that is removed from the "observed" values.

  2. The .trend parameter adjusts the trend window (t.window parameter from stl()) that is used.

The user may supply both .frequency and .trend as time-based durations (e.g. "6 weeks") or numeric values (e.g. 180) or "auto", which automatically selects the frequency and/or trend based on the scale of the time series.


A plotly or ggplot2 visualization



m4_hourly %>%
    filter(id == "H10") %>%
        date, value,
        # Set features to return, desired frequency and trend
        .feature_set = c("observed", "season", "trend", "remainder"),
        .frequency   = "24 hours",
        .trend       = "1 week",
        .interactive = FALSE)

# ---- GROUPS ----
m4_hourly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
        date, value,
        .feature_set = c("observed", "season", "trend"),
        .interactive = FALSE)

Interactive Plotting for One or More Time Series


A workhorse time-series plotting function that generates interactive plotly plots, consolidates 20+ lines of ggplot2 code, and scales well to many time series.


  .color_var = NULL,
  .facet_vars = NULL,
  .facet_ncol = 1,
  .facet_nrow = 1,
  .facet_scales = "free_y",
  .facet_dir = "h",
  .facet_collapse = FALSE,
  .facet_collapse_sep = " ",
  .facet_strip_remove = FALSE,
  .line_color = "#2c3e50",
  .line_size = 0.5,
  .line_type = 1,
  .line_alpha = 1,
  .y_intercept = NULL,
  .y_intercept_color = "#2c3e50",
  .x_intercept = NULL,
  .x_intercept_color = "#2c3e50",
  .smooth = TRUE,
  .smooth_period = "auto",
  .smooth_message = FALSE,
  .smooth_span = NULL,
  .smooth_degree = 2,
  .smooth_color = "#3366FF",
  .smooth_size = 1,
  .smooth_alpha = 1,
  .legend_show = TRUE,
  .title = "Time Series Plot",
  .x_lab = "",
  .y_lab = "",
  .color_lab = "Legend",
  .interactive = TRUE,
  .plotly_slider = FALSE,
  .trelliscope = FALSE,
  .trelliscope_params = list()



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values


A column containing numeric values


A categorical column that can be used to change the line color


One or more grouping columns that broken out into ggplot2 facets. These can be selected using tidyselect() helpers (e.g contains()).


Number of facet columns.


Number of facet rows (only used for .trelliscope = TRUE)


Control facet x & y-axis ranges. Options include "fixed", "free", "free_y", "free_x"


The direction of faceting ("h" for horizontal, "v" for vertical). Default is "h".


Multiple facets included on one facet strip instead of multiple facet strips.


The separator used for collapsing facets.


Whether or not to remove the strip and text label for each facet.


Line color. Overrided if .color_var is specified.


Line size.


Line type.


Line alpha (opacity). Range: (0, 1).


Value for a y-intercept on the plot


Color for the y-intercept


Value for a x-intercept on the plot


Color for the x-intercept


Logical - Whether or not to include a trendline smoother. Uses See smooth_vec() to apply a LOESS smoother.


Number of observations to include in the Loess Smoother. Set to "auto" by default, which uses tk_get_trend() to determine a logical trend cycle.


Logical. Whether or not to return the trend selected as a message. Useful for those that want to see what .smooth_period was selected.


Percentage of observations to include in the Loess Smoother. You can use either period or span. See smooth_vec().


Flexibility of Loess Polynomial. Either 0, 1, 2 (0 = lest flexible, 2 = more flexible).


Smoother line color


Smoother line size


Smoother alpha (opacity). Range: (0, 1).


Toggles on/off the Legend


Title for the plot


X-axis label for the plot


Y-axis label for the plot


Legend label if a color_var is used.


Returns either a static (ggplot2) visualization or an interactive (plotly) visualization


If TRUE, returns a plotly date range slider.


Returns either a normal plot or a trelliscopejs plot (great for many time series) Must have trelliscopejs installed.


Pass parameters to the trelliscopejs::facet_trelliscope() function as a list(). The only parameters that cannot be passed are:

  • ncol: use .facet_ncol

  • nrow: use .facet_nrow

  • scales: use facet_scales

  • as_plotly: use .interactive


plot_time_series() is a scalable function that works with both ungrouped and grouped data.frame objects (and tibbles!).

Interactive by Default

plot_time_series() is built for exploration using:

  • Interactive Plots: plotly (default) - Great for exploring!

  • Static Plots: ggplot2 (set .interactive = FALSE) - Great for PDF Reports

By default, an interactive plotly visualization is returned.

Scalable with Facets & Dplyr Groups

plot_time_series() returns multiple time series plots using ggplot2 facets:

  • group_by() - If groups are detected, multiple facets are returned

  • plot_time_series(.facet_vars) - You can manually supply facets as well.

Can Transform Values just like ggplot

The .values argument accepts transformations just like ggplot2. For example, if you want to take the log of sales you can use a call like plot_time_series(date, log(sales)) and the log transformation will be applied.

Smoother Period / Span Calculation

The .smooth = TRUE option returns a smoother that is calculated based on either:

  1. A .smooth_period: Number of observations

  2. A .smooth_span: A percentage of observations

By default, the .smooth_period is automatically calculated using 75% of the observertions. This is the same as geom_smooth(method = "loess", span = 0.75).

A user can specify a time-based window (e.g. .smooth_period = "1 year") or a numeric value (e.g. smooth_period = 365).

Time-based windows return the median number of observations in a window using tk_get_trend().


A static ggplot2 plot or an interactive plotly plot



# Works with individual time series
FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
    plot_time_series(date, adjusted, .interactive = FALSE)

# Works with groups
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
    plot_time_series(date, adjusted,
                     .facet_ncol  = 2,     # 2-column layout
                     .interactive = FALSE)

# Can also group inside & use .color_var
FANG %>%
    mutate(year = year(date)) %>%
    plot_time_series(date, adjusted,
                     .facet_vars     = c(symbol, year), # add groups/facets
                     .color_var      = year,            # color by year
                     .facet_ncol     = 4,
                     .facet_scales   = "free",
                     .facet_collapse = TRUE,  # combine group strip text into 1 line
                     .interactive    = FALSE)

# Can apply transformations to .value or .color_var
# - .value = log(adjusted)
# - .color_var = year(date)
FANG %>%
    plot_time_series(date, log(adjusted),
                     .color_var    = year(date),
                     .facet_vars   = contains("symbol"),
                     .facet_ncol   = 2,
                     .facet_scales = "free",
                     .y_lab        = "Log Scale",
                     .interactive  = FALSE)

Interactive Time Series Box Plots


A boxplot function that generates interactive plotly plots for time series.


  .color_var = NULL,
  .facet_vars = NULL,
  .facet_ncol = 1,
  .facet_nrow = 1,
  .facet_scales = "free_y",
  .facet_dir = "h",
  .facet_collapse = FALSE,
  .facet_collapse_sep = " ",
  .facet_strip_remove = FALSE,
  .line_color = "#2c3e50",
  .line_size = 0.5,
  .line_type = 1,
  .line_alpha = 1,
  .y_intercept = NULL,
  .y_intercept_color = "#2c3e50",
  .smooth = TRUE,
  .smooth_func = ~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE),
  .smooth_period = "auto",
  .smooth_message = FALSE,
  .smooth_span = NULL,
  .smooth_degree = 2,
  .smooth_color = "#3366FF",
  .smooth_size = 1,
  .smooth_alpha = 1,
  .legend_show = TRUE,
  .title = "Time Series Plot",
  .x_lab = "",
  .y_lab = "",
  .color_lab = "Legend",
  .interactive = TRUE,
  .plotly_slider = FALSE,
  .trelliscope = FALSE,
  .trelliscope_params = list()



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values


A column containing numeric values


A time series unit of aggregation for the boxplot. Examples include:

  • "1 week"

  • "3 years"

  • "30 minutes"


A categorical column that can be used to change the line color


One or more grouping columns that broken out into ggplot2 facets. These can be selected using tidyselect() helpers (e.g contains()).


Number of facet columns.


Number of facet rows (only used for .trelliscope = TRUE)


Control facet x & y-axis ranges. Options include "fixed", "free", "free_y", "free_x"


The direction of faceting ("h" for horizontal, "v" for vertical). Default is "h".


Multiple facets included on one facet strip instead of multiple facet strips.


The separator used for collapsing facets.


Whether or not to remove the strip and text label for each facet.


Line color. Overrided if .color_var is specified.


Line size.


Line type.


Line alpha (opacity). Range: (0, 1).


Value for a y-intercept on the plot


Color for the y-intercept


Logical - Whether or not to include a trendline smoother. Uses See smooth_vec() to apply a LOESS smoother.


Defines how to aggregate the .value to show the smoothed trendline. The default is ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), which uses lambda function to ensure NA values are removed. Possible values are:

  • A function, e.g. mean.

  • A purrr-style lambda, e.g. ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)


Number of observations to include in the Loess Smoother. Set to "auto" by default, which uses tk_get_trend() to determine a logical trend cycle.


Logical. Whether or not to return the trend selected as a message. Useful for those that want to see what .smooth_period was selected.


Percentage of observations to include in the Loess Smoother. You can use either period or span. See smooth_vec().


Flexibility of Loess Polynomial. Either 0, 1, 2 (0 = lest flexible, 2 = more flexible).


Smoother line color


Smoother line size


Smoother alpha (opacity). Range: (0, 1).


Toggles on/off the Legend


Title for the plot


X-axis label for the plot


Y-axis label for the plot


Legend label if a color_var is used.


Returns either a static (ggplot2) visualization or an interactive (plotly) visualization


If TRUE, returns a plotly date range slider.


Returns either a normal plot or a trelliscopejs plot (great for many time series) Must have trelliscopejs installed.


Pass parameters to the trelliscopejs::facet_trelliscope() function as a list(). The only parameters that cannot be passed are:

  • ncol: use .facet_ncol

  • nrow: use .facet_nrow

  • scales: use facet_scales

  • as_plotly: use .interactive


plot_time_series_boxplot() is a scalable function that works with both ungrouped and grouped data.frame objects (and tibbles!).

Interactive by Default

plot_time_series_boxplot() is built for exploration using:

  • Interactive Plots: plotly (default) - Great for exploring!

  • Static Plots: ggplot2 (set .interactive = FALSE) - Great for PDF Reports

By default, an interactive plotly visualization is returned.

Scalable with Facets & Dplyr Groups

plot_time_series_boxplot() returns multiple time series plots using ggplot2 facets:

  • group_by() - If groups are detected, multiple facets are returned

  • plot_time_series_boxplot(.facet_vars) - You can manually supply facets as well.

Can Transform Values just like ggplot

The .values argument accepts transformations just like ggplot2. For example, if you want to take the log of sales you can use a call like plot_time_series_boxplot(date, log(sales)) and the log transformation will be applied.

Smoother Period / Span Calculation

The .smooth = TRUE option returns a smoother that is calculated based on either:

  1. A .smooth_func: The method of aggregation. Usually an aggregation like mean is used. The purrr-style function syntax can be used to apply complex functions.

  2. A .smooth_period: Number of observations

  3. A .smooth_span: A percentage of observations

By default, the .smooth_period is automatically calculated using 75% of the observertions. This is the same as geom_smooth(method = "loess", span = 0.75).

A user can specify a time-based window (e.g. .smooth_period = "1 year") or a numeric value (e.g. smooth_period = 365).

Time-based windows return the median number of observations in a window using tk_get_trend().


A static ggplot2 plot or an interactive plotly plot



# Works with individual time series
FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
        date, adjusted,
        .period      = "3 month",
        .interactive = FALSE)

# Works with groups
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
        date, adjusted,
        .period      = "3 months",
        .facet_ncol  = 2,     # 2-column layout
        .interactive = FALSE)

# Can also group inside & use .color_var
FANG %>%
    mutate(year = year(date)) %>%
        date, adjusted,
        .period      = "3 months",
        .facet_vars   = c(symbol, year), # add groups/facets
        .color_var    = year,            # color by year
        .facet_ncol   = 4,
        .facet_scales = "free",
        .interactive  = FALSE)

# Can apply transformations to .value or .color_var
# - .value = log(adjusted)
# - .color_var = year(date)
FANG %>%
        date, log(adjusted),
        .period      = "3 months",
        .color_var    = year(date),
        .facet_vars   = contains("symbol"),
        .facet_ncol   = 2,
        .facet_scales = "free",
        .y_lab        = "Log Scale",
        .interactive  = FALSE)

# Can adjust the smoother
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
        date, adjusted,
        .period           = "3 months",
        .smooth           = TRUE,
        .smooth_func      = median,    # Smoother function
        .smooth_period    = "5 years", # Smoother Period
        .facet_ncol       = 2,
        .interactive      = FALSE)

Visualize a Time Series Resample Plan


The plot_time_series_cv_plan() function provides a visualization for a time series resample specification (rset) of either rolling_origin or time_series_cv class.


  .smooth = FALSE,
  .title = "Time Series Cross Validation Plan"



A time series resample specification of of either rolling_origin or time_series_cv class or a data frame (tibble) that has been prepared using tk_time_series_cv_plan().


A column containing either date or date-time values


A column containing numeric values


Additional parameters passed to plot_time_series()


Logical - Whether or not to include a trendline smoother. Uses See smooth_vec() to apply a LOESS smoother.


Title for the plot


Resample Set

A resample set is an output of the timetk::time_series_cv() function or the rsample::rolling_origin() function.


Returns a static ggplot or interactive plotly object depending on whether or not .interactive is FALSE or TRUE, respectively.

See Also



FB_tbl <- FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted)

resample_spec <- time_series_cv(
    initial = "1 year",
    assess  = "6 weeks",
    skip    = "3 months",
    lag     = "1 month",
    cumulative  = FALSE,
    slice_limit = 6

resample_spec %>% tk_time_series_cv_plan()

resample_spec %>%
    tk_time_series_cv_plan() %>%
        date, adjusted, # date variable and value variable
        # Additional arguments passed to plot_time_series(),
        .facet_ncol = 2,
        .line_alpha = 0.5,
        .interactive = FALSE

Visualize a Time Series Linear Regression Formula


A wrapper for stats::lm() that overlays a linear regression fitted model over a time series, which can help show the effect of feature engineering


  .show_summary = FALSE,



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values


A linear regression formula. The left-hand side of the formula is used as the y-axis value. The right-hand side of the formula is used to develop the linear regression model. See stats::lm() for details.


If TRUE, prints the summary.lm().


Additional arguments passed to plot_time_series()


plot_time_series_regression() is a scalable function that works with both ungrouped and grouped data.frame objects (and tibbles!).

Time Series Formula

The .formula uses stats::lm() to apply a linear regression, which is used to visualize the effect of feature engineering on a time series.

  • The left-hand side of the formula is used as the y-axis value.

  • The right-hand side of the formula is used to develop the linear regression model.

Interactive by Default

plot_time_series_regression() is built for exploration using:

  • Interactive Plots: plotly (default) - Great for exploring!

  • Static Plots: ggplot2 (set .interactive = FALSE) - Great for PDF Reports

By default, an interactive plotly visualization is returned.

Scalable with Facets & Dplyr Groups

plot_time_series_regression() returns multiple time series plots using ggplot2 facets:

  • group_by() - If groups are detected, multiple facets are returned

  • plot_time_series_regression(.facet_vars) - You can manually supply facets as well.


A static ggplot2 plot or an interactive plotly plot



# ---- SINGLE SERIES ----
m4_monthly %>%
    filter(id == "M750") %>%
        .date_var     = date,
        .formula      = log(value) ~ as.numeric(date) + month(date, label = TRUE),
        .show_summary = TRUE,
        .facet_ncol   = 2,
        .interactive  = FALSE

# ---- GROUPED SERIES ----
m4_monthly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
        .date_var    = date,
        .formula     = log(value) ~ as.numeric(date) + month(date, label = TRUE),
        .facet_ncol  = 2,
        .interactive = FALSE

Get and modify the Time Scale Template


Get and modify the Time Scale Template







A tibble with a "time_scale", "frequency", and "trend" columns.


Used to get and set the time scale template, which is used by tk_get_frequency() and tk_get_trend() when period = "auto".

The predefined template is stored in a function tk_time_scale_template(). This is the default used by timetk.

Changing the Default Template

  • You can access the current template with get_tk_time_scale_template().

  • You can modify the current template with set_tk_time_scale_template().


  • get_tk_time_scale_template(): Returns tibble containing the time scale template information.

  • set_tk_time_scale_template(): Returns nothing.

See Also




Apply slice inside periods (windows)


Applies a dplyr slice inside a time-based period (window).


slice_period(.data, ..., .date_var, .period = "1 day")



A tbl object or data.frame


For slice(): <data-masking> Integer row values.

Provide either positive values to keep, or negative values to drop. The values provided must be either all positive or all negative. Indices beyond the number of rows in the input are silently ignored.

For ⁠slice_*()⁠, these arguments are passed on to methods.


A column containing date or date-time values. If missing, attempts to auto-detect date column.


A period to slice within. Time units are grouped using lubridate::floor_date() or lubridate::ceiling_date().

The value can be:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

  • week

  • month

  • bimonth

  • quarter

  • season

  • halfyear

  • year

Arbitrary unique English abbreviations as in the lubridate::period() constructor are allowed:

  • "1 year"

  • "2 months"

  • "30 seconds"


A tibble or data.frame

See Also

Time-Based dplyr functions:


# Libraries

# First 5 observations in each month
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    slice_period(1:5, .period = "1 month")

# Last observation in each month
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    slice_period(n(), .period = "1 month")

Create a rolling (sliding) version of any function


slidify returns a rolling (sliding) version of the input function, with a rolling (sliding) .period specified by the user.


  .period = 1,
  .align = c("center", "left", "right"),
  .partial = FALSE,
  .unlist = TRUE



A function, formula, or vector (not necessarily atomic).

If a function, it is used as is.

If a formula, e.g. ~ .x + 2, it is converted to a function. There are three ways to refer to the arguments:

  • For a single argument function, use .

  • For a two argument function, use .x and .y

  • For more arguments, use ..1, ..2, ..3 etc

This syntax allows you to create very compact anonymous functions. Note that formula functions conceptually take dots (that's why you can use ..1 etc). They silently ignore additional arguments that are not used in the formula expression.

If character vector, numeric vector, or list, it is converted to an extractor function. Character vectors index by name and numeric vectors index by position; use a list to index by position and name at different levels. If a component is not present, the value of .default will be returned.


The period size to roll over


One of "center", "left" or "right".


Should the moving window be allowed to return partial (incomplete) windows instead of NA values. Set to FALSE by default, but can be switched to TRUE to remove NA's.


If the function returns a single value each time it is called, use .unlist = TRUE. If the function returns more than one value, or a more complicated object (like a linear model), use .unlist = FALSE to create a list-column of the rolling results.


The slidify() function is almost identical to tibbletime::rollify() with 3 improvements:

  1. Alignment ("center", "left", "right")

  2. Partial windows are allowed

  3. Uses slider under the hood, which improves speed and reliability by implementing code at C++ level

Make any function a Sliding (Rolling) Function

slidify() turns a function into a sliding version of itself for use inside of a call to dplyr::mutate(), however it works equally as well when called from purrr::map().

Because of it's intended use with dplyr::mutate(), slidify creates a function that always returns output with the same length of the input


Rolling / Sliding functions generate .period - 1 fewer values than the incoming vector. Thus, the vector needs to be aligned. Alignment of the vector follows 3 types:

  • center (default): NA or .partial values are divided and added to the beginning and end of the series to "Center" the moving average. This is common in Time Series applications (e.g. denoising).

  • left: NA or .partial values are added to the end to shift the series to the Left.

  • right: NA or .partial values are added to the beginning to shift the series to the Right. This is common in Financial Applications (e.g moving average cross-overs).

Allowing Partial Windows

A key improvement over tibbletime::slidify() is that timetk::slidify() implements .partial rolling windows. Just set .partial = TRUE.


A function with the rolling/sliding conversion applied.


See Also

Transformation Functions:

  • slidify_vec() - A simple vectorized function for applying summary functions to rolling windows.

Augmentation Functions (Add Rolling Multiple Columns):

Slider R Package:

  • slider::pslide() - The workhorse function that powers timetk::slidify()



FB <- FANG %>% dplyr::filter(symbol == "FB")


# Turn the normal mean function into a rolling mean with a 5 row .period
mean_roll_5 <- slidify(mean, .period = 5, .align = "right")

FB %>%
    mutate(rolling_mean_5 = mean_roll_5(adjusted))

# Use `partial = TRUE` to allow partial windows (those with less than the full .period)
mean_roll_5_partial <- slidify(mean, .period = 5, .align = "right", .partial = TRUE)

FB %>%
    mutate(rolling_mean_5 = mean_roll_5_partial(adjusted))

# There's nothing stopping you from combining multiple rolling functions with
# different .period sizes in the same mutate call

mean_roll_10 <- slidify(mean, .period = 10, .align = "right")

FB %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted) %>%
        rolling_mean_5  = mean_roll_5(adjusted),
        rolling_mean_10 = mean_roll_10(adjusted)

# For summary operations like rolling means, we can accomplish large-scale
# multi-rolls with tk_augment_slidify()

FB %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted) %>%
        adjusted, .period = 5:10, .f = mean, .align = "right",
        .names = stringr::str_c("MA_", 5:10)


# One of the most powerful things about this is that it works with
# groups since `mutate` is being used

mean_roll_3 <- slidify(mean, .period = 3, .align = "right")

FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
    mutate(mean_roll = mean_roll_3(adjusted)) %>%


# With 2 args, use the purrr syntax of ~ and .x, .y
# Rolling correlation example
cor_roll <- slidify(~cor(.x, .y), .period = 5, .align = "right")

FB %>%
    mutate(running_cor = cor_roll(adjusted, open))

# With >2 args, create an anonymous function with >2 args or use
# the purrr convention of ..1, ..2, ..3 to refer to the arguments
avg_of_avgs <- slidify(
    function(x, y, z) (mean(x) + mean(y) + mean(z)) / 3,
    .period = 10,
    .align = "right"

# Or
avg_of_avgs <- slidify(
    ~(mean(..1) + mean(..2) + mean(..3)) / 3,
    .period = 10,
    .align  = "right"

FB %>%
    mutate(avg_of_avgs = avg_of_avgs(open, high, low))

# Optional arguments MUST be passed at the creation of the rolling function
# Only data arguments that are "rolled over" are allowed when calling the
# rolling version of the function
FB$adjusted[1] <- NA

roll_mean_na_rm <- slidify(~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), .period = 5, .align = "right")

FB %>%
    mutate(roll_mean = roll_mean_na_rm(adjusted))


# Rolling regressions are easy to implement using `.unlist = FALSE`
lm_roll <- slidify(~lm(.x ~ .y), .period = 90, .unlist = FALSE, .align = "right")

FB %>%
    tidyr::drop_na() %>%
    mutate(numeric_date = as.numeric(date)) %>%
    mutate(rolling_lm = lm_roll(adjusted, numeric_date)) %>%

Rolling Window Transformation


slidify_vec() applies a summary function to a rolling sequence of windows.


  .period = 1,
  .align = c("center", "left", "right"),
  .partial = FALSE



A vector to have a rolling window transformation applied.


A summary ⁠[function / formula]⁠

  • If a function, e.g. mean, the function is used with any additional arguments, ....

  • If a formula, e.g. ~ mean(., na.rm = TRUE), it is converted to a function.

This syntax allows you to create very compact anonymous functions.


Additional arguments passed on to the .f function.


The number of periods to include in the local rolling window. This is effectively the "window size".


One of "center", "left" or "right".


Should the moving window be allowed to return partial (incomplete) windows instead of NA values. Set to FALSE by default, but can be switched to TRUE to remove NA's.


The slidify_vec() function is a wrapper for slider::slide_vec() with parameters simplified "center", "left", "right" alignment.

Vector Length In == Vector Length Out

NA values or .partial values are always returned to ensure the length of the return vector is the same length of the incoming vector. This ensures easier use with dplyr::mutate().


Rolling functions generate .period - 1 fewer values than the incoming vector. Thus, the vector needs to be aligned. Alignment of the vector follows 3 types:

  • Center: NA or .partial values are divided and added to the beginning and end of the series to "Center" the moving average. This is common for de-noising operations. See also ⁠[smooth_vec()]⁠ for LOESS without NA values.

  • Left: NA or .partial values are added to the end to shift the series to the Left.

  • Right: NA or .partial values are added to the beginning to shif the series to the Right. This is common in Financial Applications such as moving average cross-overs.

Partial Values

  • The advantage to using .partial values vs NA padding is that the series can be filled (good for time-series de-noising operations).

  • The downside to partial values is that the partials can become less stable at the regions where incomplete windows are used.

If instability is not desirable for de-noising operations, a suitable alternative is smooth_vec(), which implements local polynomial regression.


A numeric vector


See Also

Modeling and More Complex Rolling Operations:

  • step_slidify() - Roll apply for tidymodels modeling

  • tk_augment_slidify() - Add many rolling columns group-wise

  • slidify() - Turn any function into a rolling function. Great for rolling cor, rolling regression, etc.

  • For more complex rolling operations, check out the slider R package.

Vectorized Transformation Functions:



# Training Data
FB_tbl <- FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted)

# - The `.f = mean` function is used. Argument `na.rm = TRUE` is passed as ...
FB_tbl %>%
    mutate(adjusted_30_ma = slidify_vec(
        .x      = adjusted,
        .period = 30,
        .f      = mean,
        na.rm   = TRUE,
        .align  = "center")) %>%
        ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
        geom_line() +
        geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_30_ma), color = "blue", na.rm = TRUE)

# ---- FORMULA FORMAT ----
# - Anonymous function `.f = ~ mean(., na.rm = TRUE)` is used
FB_tbl %>%
    mutate(adjusted_30_ma = slidify_vec(
        .x      = adjusted,
        .period = 30,
        .f      = ~ mean(., na.rm = TRUE),
        .align  = "center")) %>%
        ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
        geom_line() +
        geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_30_ma), color = "blue", na.rm = TRUE)

# ---- PARTIAL VALUES ----
# - set `.partial = TRUE`
FB_tbl %>%
    mutate(adjusted_30_ma = slidify_vec(
        .x       = adjusted,
        .f       = ~ mean(., na.rm = TRUE),
        .period  = 30,
        .align   = "center",
        .partial = TRUE)) %>%
        ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
        geom_line() +
        geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_30_ma), color = "blue")

# ---- Loess vs Moving Average ----
# - Loess: Using `.degree = 0` to make less flexible. Comparable to a moving average.

FB_tbl %>%
        adjusted_loess_30 = smooth_vec(adjusted, period = 30, degree = 0),
        adjusted_ma_30    = slidify_vec(adjusted, .f = mean,
                                           .period = 30, .partial = TRUE)
    ) %>%
    ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_loess_30), color = "red") +
    geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_ma_30), color = "blue") +
    labs(title = "Loess vs Moving Average")

Smoothing Transformation using Loess


smooth_vec() applies a LOESS transformation to a numeric vector.


smooth_vec(x, period = 30, span = NULL, degree = 2)



A numeric vector to have a smoothing transformation applied.


The number of periods to include in the local smoothing. Similar to window size for a moving average. See details for an explanation period vs span specification.


The span is a percentage of data to be included in the smoothing window. Period is preferred for shorter windows to fix the window size. See details for an explanation period vs span specification.


The degree of the polynomials to be used. Accetable values (least to most flexible): 0, 1, 2. Set to 2 by default for 2nd order polynomial (most flexible).



  • When using period, the effect is similar to a moving average without creating missing values.

  • When using span, the effect is to detect the trend in a series using a percentage of the total number of observations.

Loess Smoother Algorithm This function is a simplified wrapper for the stats::loess() with a modification to set a fixed period rather than a percentage of data points via a span.

Why Period vs Span? The period is fixed whereas the span changes as the number of observations change.

When to use Period? The effect of using a period is similar to a Moving Average where the Window Size is the Fixed Period. This helps when you are trying to smooth local trends. If you want a 30-day moving average, specify period = 30.

When to use Span? Span is easier to specify when you want a Long-Term Trendline where the window size is unknown. You can specify span = 0.75 to locally regress using a window of 75% of the data.


A numeric vector

See Also

Loess Modeling Functions:

Additional Vector Functions:



# Training Data
FB_tbl <- FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted)

# ---- PERIOD ----

FB_tbl %>%
    mutate(adjusted_30 = smooth_vec(adjusted, period = 30, degree = 2)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_30), color = "red")

# ---- SPAN ----

FB_tbl %>%
    mutate(adjusted_30 = smooth_vec(adjusted, span = 0.75, degree = 2)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_30), color = "red")

# ---- Loess vs Moving Average ----
# - Loess: Using `degree = 0` to make less flexible. Comperable to a moving average.

FB_tbl %>%
        adjusted_loess_30 = smooth_vec(adjusted, period = 30, degree = 0),
        adjusted_ma_30    = slidify_vec(adjusted, .period = 30,
                                        .f = mean, .partial = TRUE)
    ) %>%
    ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_loess_30), color = "red") +
    geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_ma_30), color = "blue") +
    labs(title = "Loess vs Moving Average")

Standardize to Mean 0, Standard Deviation 1 (Center & Scale)


Standardization is commonly used to center and scale numeric features to prevent one from dominating in algorithms that require data to be on the same scale.


standardize_vec(x, mean = NULL, sd = NULL, silent = FALSE)

standardize_inv_vec(x, mean, sd)



A numeric vector.


The mean used to invert the standardization


The standard deviation used to invert the standardization process.


Whether or not to report the automated mean and sd parameters as a message.


Standardization vs Normalization

  • Standardization refers to a transformation that reduces the range to mean 0, standard deviation 1

  • Normalization refers to a transformation that reduces the min-max range: (0, 1)


Returns a numeric vector with the standardization transformation applied.

See Also



d10_daily <- m4_daily %>% dplyr::filter(id == "D10")

# --- VECTOR ----

value_std <- standardize_vec(d10_daily$value)
value     <- standardize_inv_vec(value_std,
                                 mean = 2261.60682492582,
                                 sd   = 175.603721730477)

# --- MUTATE ----

m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    mutate(value_std = standardize_vec(value))

Box-Cox Transformation using Forecast Methods


step_box_cox creates a specification of a recipe step that will transform data using a Box-Cox transformation. This function differs from recipes::step_BoxCox by adding multiple methods including Guerrero lambda optimization and handling for negative data used in the Forecast R Package.


  method = c("guerrero", "loglik"),
  limits = c(-1, 2),
  role = NA,
  trained = FALSE,
  lambdas_trained = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("box_cox")

## S3 method for class 'step_box_cox'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


One or more selector functions to choose which variables are affected by the step. See selections() for more details. For the tidy method, these are not currently used.


One of "guerrero" or "loglik"


A length 2 numeric vector defining the range to compute the transformation parameter lambda.


Not used by this step since no new variables are created.


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A numeric vector of transformation values. This is NULL until computed by prep().


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations.


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_box_cox object.


The step_box_cox() function is designed specifically to handle time series using methods implemented in the Forecast R Package.

Negative Data

This function can be applied to Negative Data.

Lambda Optimization Methods

This function uses 2 methods for optimizing the lambda selection from the Forecast R Package:

  1. method = "guerrero": Guerrero's (1993) method is used, where lambda minimizes the coefficient of variation for subseries of x.

  2. method = loglik: the value of lambda is chosen to maximize the profile log likelihood of a linear model fitted to x. For non-seasonal data, a linear time trend is fitted while for seasonal data, a linear time trend with seasonal dummy variables is used.


An updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any). For the tidy method, a tibble with columns terms (the selectors or variables selected) and value (the lambda estimate).


  1. Guerrero, V.M. (1993) Time-series analysis supported by power transformations. Journal of Forecasting, 12, 37–48.

  2. Box, G. E. P. and Cox, D. R. (1964) An analysis of transformations. JRSS B 26 211–246.

See Also

Time Series Analysis:

Transformations to reduce variance:

  • recipes::step_log() - Log transformation

  • recipes::step_sqrt() - Square-Root Power Transformation

Recipe Setup and Application:

  • recipes::recipe()

  • recipes::prep()

  • recipes::bake()



FANG_wide <- FANG %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = symbol, values_from = adjusted)

recipe_box_cox <- recipe(~ ., data = FANG_wide) %>%
    step_box_cox(FB, AMZN, NFLX, GOOG) %>%

recipe_box_cox %>% bake(FANG_wide)

recipe_box_cox %>% tidy(1)

Create a differenced predictor


step_diff creates a specification of a recipe step that will add new columns of differenced data. Differenced data will include NA values where a difference was induced. These can be removed with step_naomit().


  role = "predictor",
  trained = FALSE,
  lag = 1,
  difference = 1,
  log = FALSE,
  prefix = "diff_",
  columns = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("diff")

## S3 method for class 'step_diff'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


One or more selector functions to choose which variables are affected by the step. See selections() for more details.


Defaults to "predictor"


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A vector of positive integers identifying which lags (how far back) to be included in the differencing calculation.


The number of differences to perform.


Calculates log differences instead of differences.


A prefix for generated column names, default to "diff_".


A character string of variable names that will be populated (eventually) by the terms argument.


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_diff object.


The step assumes that the data are already in the proper sequential order for lagging.


An updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any).

See Also

Time Series Analysis:

Remove NA Values:

Main Recipe Functions:

  • recipes::recipe()

  • recipes::prep()

  • recipes::bake()



FANG_wide <- FANG %>%
    dplyr::select(symbol, date, adjusted) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = symbol, values_from = adjusted)

# Make and apply recipe ----

recipe_diff <- recipe(~ ., data = FANG_wide) %>%
  step_diff(FB, AMZN, NFLX, GOOG, lag = 1:3, difference = 1) %>%

recipe_diff %>% bake(FANG_wide)

# Get information with tidy ----

recipe_diff %>% tidy()

recipe_diff %>% tidy(1)

Fourier Features for Modeling Seasonality


step_fourier creates a a specification of a recipe step that will convert a Date or Date-time column into a Fourier series


  role = "predictor",
  trained = FALSE,
  columns = NULL,
  scale_factor = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("fourier")

## S3 method for class 'step_fourier'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


A single column with class Date or POSIXct. See recipes::selections() for more details. For the tidy method, these are not currently used.


The numeric period for the oscillation frequency. See details for examples of period specification.


The number of orders to include for each sine/cosine fourier series. More orders increase the number of fourier terms and therefore the variance of the fitted model at the expense of bias. See details for examples of K specification.


For model terms created by this step, what analysis role should they be assigned?. By default, the function assumes that the new variable columns created by the original variables will be used as predictors in a model.


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A character string of variables that will be used as inputs. This field is a placeholder and will be populated once recipes::prep() is used.


A factor for scaling the numeric index extracted from the date or date-time feature. This is a placeholder and will be populated once recipes::prep() is used.


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations.


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_fourier object.


Date Variable

Unlike other steps, step_fourier does not remove the original date variables. recipes::step_rm() can be used for this purpose.

Period Specification

The period argument is used to generate the distance between peaks in the fourier sequence. The key is to line up the peaks with unique seasonalities in the data.

For Daily Data, typical period specifications are:

  • Yearly frequency is 365

  • Quarterly frequency is 365 / 4 = 91.25

  • Monthly frequency is 365 / 12 = 30.42

K Specification

The K argument specifies the maximum number of orders of Fourier terms. Examples:

  • Specifying period = 365 and K = 1 will return a cos365_K1 and sin365_K1 fourier series

  • Specifying period = 365 and K = 2 will return a cos365_K1, cos365_K2, sin365_K1 and sin365_K2 sequence, which tends to increase the models ability to fit vs the K = 1 specification (at the expense of possibly overfitting).

Multiple values of period and K

It's possible to specify multiple values of period in a single step such as ⁠step_fourier(period = c(91.25, 365), K = 2⁠. This returns 8 Fouriers series:

  • cos91.25_K1, sin91.25_K1, cos91.25_K2, sin91.25_K2

  • cos365_K1, sin365_K1, cos365_K2, sin365_K2


For step_fourier, an updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any). For the tidy method, a tibble with columns terms (the selectors or variables selected), value (the feature names).

See Also

Time Series Analysis:

Main Recipe Functions:

  • recipes::recipe()

  • recipes::prep()

  • recipes::bake()



FB_tbl <- FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted)

# Create a recipe object with a timeseries signature step
# - 252 Trade days per year
# - period = c(252/4, 252): Adds quarterly and yearly fourier series
# - K = 2: Adds 1st and 2nd fourier orders

rec_obj <- recipe(adjusted ~ ., data = FB_tbl) %>%
    step_fourier(date, period = c(252/4, 252), K = 2)

# View the recipe object

# Prepare the recipe object

# Bake the recipe object - Adds the Fourier Series
bake(prep(rec_obj), FB_tbl)

# Tidy shows which features have been added during the 1st step
#  in this case, step 1 is the step_timeseries_signature step
tidy(prep(rec_obj), number = 1)

Holiday Feature (Signature) Generator


step_holiday_signature creates a a specification of a recipe step that will convert date or date-time data into many holiday features that can aid in machine learning with time-series data. By default, many features are returned for different holidays, locales, and stock exchanges.


  holiday_pattern = ".",
  locale_set = "all",
  exchange_set = "all",
  role = "predictor",
  trained = FALSE,
  columns = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("holiday_signature")

## S3 method for class 'step_holiday_signature'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


One or more selector functions to choose which variables that will be used to create the new variables. The selected variables should have class Date or POSIXct. See recipes::selections() for more details. For the tidy method, these are not currently used.


A regular expression pattern to search the "Holiday Set".


Return binary holidays based on locale. One of: "all", "none", "World", "US", "CA", "GB", "FR", "IT", "JP", "CH", "DE".


Return binary holidays based on Stock Exchange Calendars. One of: "all", "none", "NYSE", "LONDON", "NERC", "TSX", "ZURICH".


For model terms created by this step, what analysis role should they be assigned?. By default, the function assumes that the new variable columns created by the original variables will be used as predictors in a model.


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A character string of variables that will be used as inputs. This field is a placeholder and will be populated once recipes::prep() is used.


A character string of features that will be generated. This field is a placeholder and will be populated once recipes::prep() is used.


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations.


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_holiday_signature object.


Use Holiday Pattern and Feature Sets to Pare Down Features By default, you're going to get A LOT of Features. This is a good thing because many machine learning algorithms have regularization built in. But, in many cases you will still want to reduce the number of unnecessary features. Here's how:

  • Holiday Pattern: This is a Regular Expression pattern that can be used to filter. Try holiday_pattern = "(US_Christ)|(US_Thanks)" to return just Christmas and Thanksgiving features.

  • Locale Sets: This is a logical as to whether or not the locale has a holiday. For locales outside of US you may want to combine multiple locales. For example, locale_set = c("World", "GB") returns both World Holidays and Great Britain.

  • Exchange Sets: This is a logical as to whether or not the Business is off due to a holiday. Different Stock Exchanges are used as a proxy for business holiday calendars. For example, exchange_set = "NYSE" returns business holidays for New York Stock Exchange.

Removing Unnecessary Features By default, many features are created automatically. Unnecessary features can be removed using recipes::step_rm() and recipes::selections() for more details.


For step_holiday_signature, an updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any). For the tidy method, a tibble with columns terms (the selectors or variables selected), value (the feature names).

See Also

Time Series Analysis:

Main Recipe Functions:

  • recipes::recipe()

  • recipes::prep()

  • recipes::bake()



# Sample Data
dates_in_2017_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
    index = tk_make_timeseries("2017-01-01", "2017-12-31", by = "day")

# Add US holidays and Non-Working Days due to Holidays
# - Physical Holidays are added with holiday pattern (individual) and locale_set
rec_holiday <- recipe(~ ., dates_in_2017_tbl) %>%
                           holiday_pattern = "^US_",
                           locale_set      = "US",
                           exchange_set    = "NYSE")

# Not yet prep'ed - just returns parameters selected
rec_holiday %>% tidy(1)

# Prep the recipe
rec_holiday_prep <- prep(rec_holiday)

# Now prep'ed - returns new features that will be created
rec_holiday_prep %>% tidy(1)

# Apply the recipe to add new holiday features!
bake(rec_holiday_prep, dates_in_2017_tbl)

Log Interval Transformation for Constrained Interval Forecasting


step_log_interval creates a specification of a recipe step that will transform data using a Log-Inerval transformation. This function provides a recipes interface for the log_interval_vec() transformation function.


  limit_lower = "auto",
  limit_upper = "auto",
  offset = 0,
  role = NA,
  trained = FALSE,
  limit_lower_trained = NULL,
  limit_upper_trained = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("log_interval")

## S3 method for class 'step_log_interval'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


One or more selector functions to choose which variables are affected by the step. See selections() for more details. For the tidy method, these are not currently used.


A lower limit. Must be less than the minimum value. If set to "auto", selects zero.


An upper limit. Must be greater than the maximum value. If set to "auto", selects a value that is 10% greater than the maximum value.


An offset to include in the log transformation. Useful when the data contains values less than or equal to zero.


Not used by this step since no new variables are created.


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A numeric vector of transformation values. This is NULL until computed by prep().


A numeric vector of transformation values. This is NULL until computed by prep().


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations.


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_log_interval object.


The step_log_interval() function is designed specifically to handle time series using methods implemented in the Forecast R Package.

Positive Data

If data includes values of zero, use offset to adjust the series to make the values positive.


Refer to the log_interval_vec() function for the transformation implementation details.


An updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any). For the tidy method, a tibble with columns terms (the selectors or variables selected) and value (the lambda estimate).

See Also

Time Series Analysis:

Transformations to reduce variance:

  • recipes::step_log() - Log transformation

  • recipes::step_sqrt() - Square-Root Power Transformation

Recipe Setup and Application:

  • recipes::recipe()

  • recipes::prep()

  • recipes::bake()



FANG_wide <- FANG %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = symbol, values_from = adjusted)

recipe_log_interval <- recipe(~ ., data = FANG_wide) %>%
    step_log_interval(FB, AMZN, NFLX, GOOG, offset = 1) %>%

recipe_log_interval %>%
    bake(FANG_wide) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_longer(-date) %>%
    plot_time_series(date, value, name, .smooth = FALSE, .interactive = FALSE)

recipe_log_interval %>% tidy(1)

Slidify Rolling Window Transformation


step_slidify creates a a specification of a recipe step that will apply a function to one or more a Numeric column(s).


  align = c("center", "left", "right"),
  partial = FALSE,
  names = NULL,
  role = "predictor",
  trained = FALSE,
  columns = NULL,
  f_name = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("slidify")

## S3 method for class 'step_slidify'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


One or more numeric columns to be smoothed. See recipes::selections() for more details. For the tidy method, these are not currently used.


The number of periods to include in the local rolling window. This is effectively the "window size".


A summary formula in one of the following formats:

  • mean with no arguments

  • function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)

  • ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), it is converted to a function.


Rolling functions generate period - 1 fewer values than the incoming vector. Thus, the vector needs to be aligned. Alignment of the vector follows 3 types:

  • Center: NA or .partial values are divided and added to the beginning and end of the series to "Center" the moving average. This is common for de-noising operations. See also ⁠[smooth_vec()]⁠ for LOESS without NA values.

  • Left: NA or .partial values are added to the end to shift the series to the Left.

  • Right: NA or .partial values are added to the beginning to shif the series to the Right. This is common in Financial Applications such as moving average cross-overs.


Should the moving window be allowed to return partial (incomplete) windows instead of NA values. Set to FALSE by default, but can be switched to TRUE to remove NA's.


An optional character string that is the same length of the number of terms selected by terms. These will be the names of the new columns created by the step.

  • If NULL, existing columns are transformed.

  • If not NULL, new columns will be created.


For model terms created by this step, what analysis role should they be assigned?. By default, the function assumes that the new variable columns created by the original variables will be used as predictors in a model.


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A character string of variables that will be used as inputs. This field is a placeholder and will be populated once recipes::prep() is used.


A character string for the function being applied. This field is a placeholder and will be populated during the tidy() step.


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations.


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_slidify object.



Rolling functions generate period - 1 fewer values than the incoming vector. Thus, the vector needs to be aligned. Alignment of the vector follows 3 types:

  • Center: NA or partial values are divided and added to the beginning and end of the series to "Center" the moving average. This is common for de-noising operations. See also ⁠[smooth_vec()]⁠ for LOESS without NA values.

  • Left: NA or partial values are added to the end to shift the series to the Left.

  • Right: NA or partial values are added to the beginning to shif the series to the Right. This is common in Financial Applications such as moving average cross-overs.

Partial Values

  • The advantage to using partial values vs NA padding is that the series can be filled (good for time-series de-noising operations).

  • The downside to partial values is that the partials can become less stable at the regions where incomplete windows are used.

If instability is not desirable for de-noising operations, a suitable alternative is step_smooth(), which implements local polynomial regression.


For step_slidify, an updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any). For the tidy method, a tibble with columns terms (the selectors or variables selected), value (the feature names).

See Also

Time Series Analysis:

Main Recipe Functions:

  • recipes::recipe()

  • recipes::prep()

  • recipes::bake()



# Training Data
FB_tbl <- FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted)

# New Data - Make some fake new data next 90 time stamps
new_data <- FB_tbl %>%
    tail(90) %>%
    mutate(date = date %>% tk_make_future_timeseries(length_out = 90))


# Create a recipe object with a step_slidify
rec_ma_50 <- recipe(adjusted ~ ., data = FB_tbl) %>%
    step_slidify(adjusted, period = 50, .f = ~ mean(.x))

# Bake the recipe object - Applies the Moving Average Transformation
training_data_baked <- bake(prep(rec_ma_50), FB_tbl)

# Apply to New Data
new_data_baked <- bake(prep(rec_ma_50), new_data)

# Visualize effect
training_data_baked %>%
    ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_line(color = "red", data = new_data_baked)

# ---- NEW COLUMNS ----
# Use the `names` argument to create new columns instead of overwriting existing

rec_ma_30_names <- recipe(adjusted ~ ., data = FB_tbl) %>%
    step_slidify(adjusted, period = 30, .f = mean, names = "adjusted_ma_30")

bake(prep(rec_ma_30_names), FB_tbl) %>%
    ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
    geom_line(alpha = 0.5) +
    geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_ma_30), color = "red", size = 1)

Slidify Rolling Window Transformation (Augmented Version)


step_slidify_augment creates a a specification of a recipe step that will "augment" (add multiple new columns) that have had a sliding function applied.


  align = c("center", "left", "right"),
  partial = FALSE,
  prefix = "slidify_",
  role = "predictor",
  trained = FALSE,
  columns = NULL,
  f_name = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("slidify_augment")

## S3 method for class 'step_slidify_augment'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


One or more numeric columns to be smoothed. See recipes::selections() for more details. For the tidy method, these are not currently used.


The number of periods to include in the local rolling window. This is effectively the "window size".


A summary formula in one of the following formats:

  • mean with no arguments

  • function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)

  • ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), it is converted to a function.


Rolling functions generate period - 1 fewer values than the incoming vector. Thus, the vector needs to be aligned. Alignment of the vector follows 3 types:

  • Center: NA or .partial values are divided and added to the beginning and end of the series to "Center" the moving average. This is common for de-noising operations. See also ⁠[smooth_vec()]⁠ for LOESS without NA values.

  • Left: NA or .partial values are added to the end to shift the series to the Left.

  • Right: NA or .partial values are added to the beginning to shif the series to the Right. This is common in Financial Applications such as moving average cross-overs.


Should the moving window be allowed to return partial (incomplete) windows instead of NA values. Set to FALSE by default, but can be switched to TRUE to remove NA's.


A prefix for generated column names, default to "slidify_".


For model terms created by this step, what analysis role should they be assigned?. By default, the function assumes that the new variable columns created by the original variables will be used as predictors in a model.


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A character string of variable names that will be populated (eventually) by the terms argument.


A character string for the function being applied. This field is a placeholder and will be populated during the tidy() step.


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_slidify_augment object.



Rolling functions generate period - 1 fewer values than the incoming vector. Thus, the vector needs to be aligned. Alignment of the vector follows 3 types:

  • Center: NA or partial values are divided and added to the beginning and end of the series to "Center" the moving average. This is common for de-noising operations. See also ⁠[smooth_vec()]⁠ for LOESS without NA values.

  • Left: NA or partial values are added to the end to shift the series to the Left.

  • Right: NA or partial values are added to the beginning to shif the series to the Right. This is common in Financial Applications such as moving average cross-overs.

Partial Values

  • The advantage to using partial values vs NA padding is that the series can be filled (good for time-series de-noising operations).

  • The downside to partial values is that the partials can become less stable at the regions where incomplete windows are used.

If instability is not desirable for de-noising operations, a suitable alternative is step_smooth(), which implements local polynomial regression.


For step_slidify_augment, an updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any). For the tidy method, a tibble with columns terms (the selectors or variables selected), value (the feature names).

See Also

Time Series Analysis:

Main Recipe Functions:

  • recipes::recipe()

  • recipes::prep()

  • recipes::bake()


# library(tidymodels)

m750 <- m4_monthly %>%
    filter(id == "M750") %>%
    mutate(value_2 = value / 2)

m750_splits <- time_series_split(m750, assess = "2 years", cumulative = TRUE)

# Make a recipe
recipe_spec <- recipe(value ~ date + value_2, rsample::training(m750_splits)) %>%
        value, value_2,
        period = c(6, 12, 24),
        .f = ~ mean(.x),
        align = "center",
        partial = FALSE

recipe_spec %>% prep() %>% juice()

bake(prep(recipe_spec), rsample::testing(m750_splits))

Smoothing Transformation using Loess


step_smooth creates a a specification of a recipe step that will apply local polynomial regression to one or more a Numeric column(s). The effect is smoothing the time series similar to a moving average without creating missing values or using partial smoothing.


  period = 30,
  span = NULL,
  degree = 2,
  names = NULL,
  role = "predictor",
  trained = FALSE,
  columns = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("smooth")

## S3 method for class 'step_smooth'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


One or more numeric columns to be smoothed. See recipes::selections() for more details. For the tidy method, these are not currently used.


The number of periods to include in the local smoothing. Similar to window size for a moving average. See details for an explanation period vs span specification.


The span is a percentage of data to be included in the smoothing window. Period is preferred for shorter windows to fix the window size. See details for an explanation period vs span specification.


The degree of the polynomials to be used. Set to 2 by default for 2nd order polynomial.


An optional character string that is the same length of the number of terms selected by terms. These will be the names of the new columns created by the step.

  • If NULL, existing columns are transformed.

  • If not NULL, new columns will be created.


For model terms created by this step, what analysis role should they be assigned?. By default, the function assumes that the new variable columns created by the original variables will be used as predictors in a model.


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A character string of variables that will be used as inputs. This field is a placeholder and will be populated once recipes::prep() is used.


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations.


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_smooth object.


Smoother Algorithm This function is a recipe specification that wraps the stats::loess() with a modification to set a fixed period rather than a percentage of data points via a span.

Why Period vs Span? The period is fixed whereas the span changes as the number of observations change.

When to use Period? The effect of using a period is similar to a Moving Average where the Window Size is the Fixed Period. This helps when you are trying to smooth local trends. If you want a 30-day moving average, specify period = 30.

When to use Span? Span is easier to specify when you want a Long-Term Trendline where the window size is unknown. You can specify span = 0.75 to locally regress using a window of 75% of the data.

Warning - Using Span with New Data When using span on New Data, the number of observations is likely different than what you trained with. This means the trendline / smoother can be vastly different than the smoother you trained with.

Solution to Span with New Data Don't use span. Rather, use period to fix the window size. This ensures that new data includes the same number of observations in the local polynomial regression (loess) as the training data.


For step_smooth, an updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any). For the tidy method, a tibble with columns terms (the selectors or variables selected), value (the feature names).

See Also

Time Series Analysis:

Main Recipe Functions:

  • recipes::recipe()

  • recipes::prep()

  • recipes::bake()



# Training Data
FB_tbl <- FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted)

# New Data - Make some fake new data next 90 time stamps
new_data <- FB_tbl %>%
    tail(90) %>%
    mutate(date = date %>% tk_make_future_timeseries(length_out = 90))

# ---- PERIOD ----

# Create a recipe object with a step_smooth()
rec_smooth_period <- recipe(adjusted ~ ., data = FB_tbl) %>%
    step_smooth(adjusted, period = 30)

# Bake the recipe object - Applies the Loess Transformation
training_data_baked <- bake(prep(rec_smooth_period), FB_tbl)

# "Period" Effect on New Data
new_data_baked <- bake(prep(rec_smooth_period), new_data)

# Smoother's fit on new data is very similar because
# 30 days are used in the new data regardless of the new data being 90 days
training_data_baked %>%
    ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_line(color = "red", data = new_data_baked)

# ---- SPAN ----

# Create a recipe object with a step_smooth
rec_smooth_span <- recipe(adjusted ~ ., data = FB_tbl) %>%
    step_smooth(adjusted, span = 0.03)

# Bake the recipe object - Applies the Loess Transformation
training_data_baked <- bake(prep(rec_smooth_span), FB_tbl)

# "Period" Effect on New Data
new_data_baked <- bake(prep(rec_smooth_span), new_data)

# Smoother's fit is not the same using span because new data is only 90 days
# and 0.03 x 90 = 2.7 days
training_data_baked %>%
    ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_line(color = "red", data = new_data_baked)

# ---- NEW COLUMNS ----
# Use the `names` argument to create new columns instead of overwriting existing

rec_smooth_names <- recipe(adjusted ~ ., data = FB_tbl) %>%
    step_smooth(adjusted, period = 30, names = "adjusted_smooth_30") %>%
    step_smooth(adjusted, period = 180, names = "adjusted_smooth_180") %>%
    step_smooth(adjusted, span = 0.75, names = "long_term_trend")

bake(prep(rec_smooth_names), FB_tbl) %>%
    ggplot(aes(date, adjusted)) +
    geom_line(alpha = 0.5) +
    geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_smooth_30), color = "red", size = 1) +
    geom_line(aes(y = adjusted_smooth_180), color = "blue", size = 1) +
    geom_line(aes(y = long_term_trend), color = "orange", size = 1)

Time Series Feature (Signature) Generator


step_timeseries_signature creates a a specification of a recipe step that will convert date or date-time data into many features that can aid in machine learning with time-series data


  role = "predictor",
  trained = FALSE,
  columns = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("timeseries_signature")

## S3 method for class 'step_timeseries_signature'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


One or more selector functions to choose which variables that will be used to create the new variables. The selected variables should have class Date or POSIXct. See recipes::selections() for more details. For the tidy method, these are not currently used.


For model terms created by this step, what analysis role should they be assigned?. By default, the function assumes that the new variable columns created by the original variables will be used as predictors in a model.


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A character string of variables that will be used as inputs. This field is a placeholder and will be populated once recipes::prep() is used.


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations.


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_timeseries_signature object.


Date Variable Unlike other steps, step_timeseries_signature does not remove the original date variables. recipes::step_rm() can be used for this purpose.

Scaling index.num The index.num feature created has a large magnitude (number of seconds since 1970-01-01). It's a good idea to scale and center this feature (e.g. use recipes::step_normalize()).

Removing Unnecessary Features By default, many features are created automatically. Unnecessary features can be removed using recipes::step_rm().


For step_timeseries_signature, an updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any). For the tidy method, a tibble with columns terms (the selectors or variables selected), value (the feature names).

See Also

Time Series Analysis:

Main Recipe Functions:

  • recipes::recipe()

  • recipes::prep()

  • recipes::bake()



FB_tbl <- FANG %>% dplyr::filter(symbol == "FB")

# Create a recipe object with a timeseries signature step
rec_obj <- recipe(adjusted ~ ., data = FB_tbl) %>%

# View the recipe object

# Prepare the recipe object

# Bake the recipe object - Adds the Time Series Signature
bake(prep(rec_obj), FB_tbl)

# Tidy shows which features have been added during the 1st step
#  in this case, step 1 is the step_timeseries_signature step
tidy(rec_obj, number = 1)

Clean Outliers and Missing Data for Time Series


step_ts_clean creates a specification of a recipe step that will clean outliers and impute time series data.


  period = 1,
  lambda = "auto",
  role = NA,
  trained = FALSE,
  lambdas_trained = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("ts_clean")

## S3 method for class 'step_ts_clean'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


One or more selector functions to choose which variables are affected by the step. See selections() for more details. For the tidy method, these are not currently used.


A seasonal period to use during the transformation. If period = 1, linear interpolation is performed. If period > 1, a robust STL decomposition is first performed and a linear interpolation is applied to the seasonally adjusted data.


A box cox transformation parameter. If set to "auto", performs automated lambda selection.


Not used by this step since no new variables are created.


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A named numeric vector of lambdas. This is NULL until computed by recipes::prep(). Note that, if the original data are integers, the mean will be converted to an integer to maintain the same a data type.


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations.


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_ts_clean object.


The step_ts_clean() function is designed specifically to handle time series using seasonal outlier detection methods implemented in the Forecast R Package.

Cleaning Outliers

#' Outliers are replaced with missing values using the following methods:

  1. Non-Seasonal (period = 1): Uses stats::supsmu()

  2. Seasonal (period > 1): Uses forecast::mstl() with robust = TRUE (robust STL decomposition) for seasonal series.

Imputation using Linear Interpolation

Three circumstances cause strictly linear interpolation:

  1. Period is 1: With period = 1, a seasonality cannot be interpreted and therefore linear is used.

  2. Number of Non-Missing Values is less than 2-Periods: Insufficient values exist to detect seasonality.

  3. Number of Total Values is less than 3-Periods: Insufficient values exist to detect seasonality.

Seasonal Imputation using Linear Interpolation

For seasonal series with period > 1, a robust Seasonal Trend Loess (STL) decomposition is first computed. Then a linear interpolation is applied to the seasonally adjusted data, and the seasonal component is added back.

Box Cox Transformation

In many circumstances, a Box Cox transformation can help. Especially if the series is multiplicative meaning the variance grows exponentially. A Box Cox transformation can be automated by setting lambda = "auto" or can be specified by setting ⁠lambda = numeric value⁠.


An updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any). For the tidy method, a tibble with columns terms (the selectors or variables selected) and value (the lambda estimate).


See Also

Time Series Analysis:



# Get missing values
FANG_wide <- FANG %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = symbol, values_from = adjusted) %>%


# Apply Imputation
recipe_box_cox <- recipe(~ ., data = FANG_wide) %>%
    step_ts_clean(FB, AMZN, NFLX, GOOG, period = 252) %>%

recipe_box_cox %>% bake(FANG_wide)

# Lambda parameter used during imputation process
recipe_box_cox %>% tidy(1)

Missing Data Imputation for Time Series


step_ts_impute creates a specification of a recipe step that will impute time series data.


  period = 1,
  lambda = NULL,
  role = NA,
  trained = FALSE,
  lambdas_trained = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("ts_impute")

## S3 method for class 'step_ts_impute'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


One or more selector functions to choose which variables are affected by the step. See selections() for more details. For the tidy method, these are not currently used.


A seasonal period to use during the transformation. If period = 1, linear interpolation is performed. If period > 1, a robust STL decomposition is first performed and a linear interpolation is applied to the seasonally adjusted data.


A box cox transformation parameter. If set to "auto", performs automated lambda selection.


Not used by this step since no new variables are created.


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A named numeric vector of lambdas. This is NULL until computed by recipes::prep(). Note that, if the original data are integers, the mean will be converted to an integer to maintain the same a data type.


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations.


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_ts_impute object.


The step_ts_impute() function is designed specifically to handle time series

Imputation using Linear Interpolation

Three circumstances cause strictly linear interpolation:

  1. Period is 1: With period = 1, a seasonality cannot be interpreted and therefore linear is used.

  2. Number of Non-Missing Values is less than 2-Periods: Insufficient values exist to detect seasonality.

  3. Number of Total Values is less than 3-Periods: Insufficient values exist to detect seasonality.

Seasonal Imputation using Linear Interpolation

For seasonal series with period > 1, a robust Seasonal Trend Loess (STL) decomposition is first computed. Then a linear interpolation is applied to the seasonally adjusted data, and the seasonal component is added back.

Box Cox Transformation

In many circumstances, a Box Cox transformation can help. Especially if the series is multiplicative meaning the variance grows exponentially. A Box Cox transformation can be automated by setting lambda = "auto" or can be specified by setting ⁠lambda = numeric value⁠.


An updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any). For the tidy method, a tibble with columns terms (the selectors or variables selected) and value (the lambda estimate).


See Also

Time Series Analysis:

Recipe Setup and Application:

  • recipes::recipe()

  • recipes::prep()

  • recipes::bake()



# Get missing values
FANG_wide <- FANG %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = symbol, values_from = adjusted) %>%


# Apply Imputation
recipe_box_cox <- recipe(~ ., data = FANG_wide) %>%
    step_ts_impute(FB, AMZN, NFLX, GOOG, period = 252, lambda = "auto") %>%

recipe_box_cox %>% bake(FANG_wide)

# Lambda parameter used during imputation process
recipe_box_cox %>% tidy(1)

Pad: Add rows to fill gaps and go from low to high frequency


step_ts_pad creates a a specification of a recipe step that will analyze a Date or Date-time column adding rows at a specified interval.


  by = "day",
  pad_value = NA,
  role = "predictor",
  trained = FALSE,
  columns = NULL,
  skip = FALSE,
  id = rand_id("ts_padding")

## S3 method for class 'step_ts_pad'
tidy(x, ...)



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


A single column with class Date or POSIXct. See recipes::selections() for more details. For the tidy method, these are not currently used.


Either "auto", a time-based frequency like "year", "month", "day", "hour", etc, or a time expression like "5 min", or "7 days". See Details.


Fills in padded values. Default is NA.


For model terms created by this step, what analysis role should they be assigned?. By default, the function assumes that the new variable columns created by the original variables will be used as predictors in a model.


A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.


A character string of variables that will be used as inputs. This field is a placeholder and will be populated once recipes::prep() is used.


A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by bake.recipe()? While all operations are baked when prep.recipe() is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when using skip = TRUE as it may affect the computations for subsequent operations.


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


A step_ts_pad object.


Date Variable

  • Only one date or date-time variable may be supplied.

  • ⁠step_ts_pad())⁠ does not remove the original date variables.

Interval Specification (by)

Padding can be applied in the following ways:

  • The eight intervals in are: year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, min, and sec.

  • Intervals like 30 minutes, 1 hours, 14 days are possible.

Imputing Missing Values

The generic pad_value defaults to NA, which typically requires imputation. Some common strategies include:

  • Numeric data: The step_ts_impute() preprocessing step can be used to impute numeric time series data with or without seasonality

  • Nominal data: The step_mode_impute() preprocessing step can be used to replace missing values with the most common value.


For step_ts_pad, an updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of existing steps (if any). For the tidy method, a tibble with columns terms (the selectors or variables selected), value (the feature names).

See Also

Padding & Imputation:

Time Series Analysis:

Main Recipe Functions:

  • recipes::recipe()

  • recipes::prep

  • recipes::bake



FB_tbl <- FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted)

rec_obj <- recipe(adjusted ~ ., data = FB_tbl) %>%
    step_ts_pad(date, by = "day", pad_value = NA)

# View the recipe object

# Prepare the recipe object

# Bake the recipe object - Adds the padding
bake(prep(rec_obj), FB_tbl)

# Tidy shows which features have been added during the 1st step
#  in this case, step 1 is the step_timeseries_signature step
tidy(prep(rec_obj), number = 1)

Summarise (for Time Series Data)


summarise_by_time() is a time-based variant of the popular dplyr::summarise() function that uses .date_var to specify a date or date-time column and .by to group the calculation by groups like "5 seconds", "week", or "3 months".

summarise_by_time() and summarize_by_time() are synonyms.


  .by = "day",
  .type = c("floor", "ceiling", "round"),
  .week_start = NULL

  .by = "day",
  .type = c("floor", "ceiling", "round"),
  .week_start = NULL



A tbl object or data.frame


A column containing date or date-time values to summarize. If missing, attempts to auto-detect date column.


A time unit to summarise by. Time units are collapsed using lubridate::floor_date() or lubridate::ceiling_date().

The value can be:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

  • week

  • month

  • bimonth

  • quarter

  • season

  • halfyear

  • year

Arbitrary unique English abbreviations as in the lubridate::period() constructor are allowed.


Name-value pairs of summary functions. The name will be the name of the variable in the result.

The value can be:

  • A vector of length 1, e.g. min(x), n(), or sum(

  • A vector of length n, e.g. quantile().

  • A data frame, to add multiple columns from a single expression.


One of "floor", "ceiling", or "round. Defaults to "floor". See lubridate::round_date.


when unit is weeks, specify the reference day. 7 represents Sunday and 1 represents Monday.


A tibble or data.frame

Useful summary functions

See Also

Time-Based dplyr functions:


# Libraries

# First value in each month
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
        .date_var = date,
        .by       = "month", # Setup for monthly aggregation
        # Summarization
        value  = first(value)

# Last value in each month (day is first day of next month with ceiling option)
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
        .by        = "month",
        value      = last(value),
        .type      = "ceiling"
    ) %>%
    # Shift to the last day of the month
    mutate(date = date %-time% "1 day")

# Total each year (.by is set to "year" now)
m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
        .by        = "year",
        value      = sum(value)

Half-hourly electricity demand


Half-hourly electricity demand in England and Wales from Monday 5 June 2000 to Sunday 27 August 2000. Discussed in Taylor (2003).




A tibble: 4,032 x 2

  • date: A date-time variable in 30-minute increments

  • value: Electricity demand in Megawatts


James W Taylor


Taylor, J.W. (2003) Short-term electricity demand forecasting using double seasonal exponential smoothing. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54, 799-805.



Add / Subtract (For Time Series)


The easiest way to add / subtract a period to a time series date or date-time vector.


add_time(index, period)

subtract_time(index, period)

index %+time% period

index %-time% period



A date or date-time vector. Can also accept a character representation.


A period to add. Accepts character strings like "5 seconds", "2 days", and complex strings like "1 month 4 days 34 minutes".


A convenient wrapper for lubridate::period(). Adds and subtracts a period from a time-based index. Great for:

  • Finding a timestamp n-periods into the future or past

  • Shifting a time-based index. Note that NA values may be present where dates don't exist.

Period Specification

The period argument accepts complex strings like:

  • "1 month 4 days 43 minutes"

  • "second = 3, minute = 1, hour = 2, day = 13, week = 1"


A date or datetime (POSIXct) vector the same length as index with the time values shifted +/- a period.

See Also

Other Time-Based vector functions:

Underlying function:



# Forward (Plus Time)
"2021" %+time% "1 hour 34 seconds"
"2021" %+time% "3 months"
"2021" %+time% "1 year 3 months 6 days"

# Backward (Minus Time)
"2021" %-time% "1 hour 34 seconds"
"2021" %-time% "3 months"
"2021" %-time% "1 year 3 months 6 days"

# ---- INDEX SHIFTING ----

index_daily <- tk_make_timeseries("2016", "2016-02-01")

# - Note `NA` values created where a daily dates aren't possible
#   (e.g. Feb 29 & 30, 2016 doesn't exist).
index_daily %+time% "1 month"

# Subtracting Time
index_daily %-time% "1 month"

Time Series Cross Validation


Create rsample cross validation sets for time series. This function produces a sampling plan starting with the most recent time series observations, rolling backwards. The sampling procedure is similar to rsample::rolling_origin(), but places the focus of the cross validation on the most recent time series data.


  date_var = NULL,
  initial = 5,
  assess = 1,
  skip = 1,
  lag = 0,
  cumulative = FALSE,
  slice_limit = n(),
  point_forecast = FALSE,



A data frame.


A date or date-time variable.


The number of samples used for analysis/modeling in the initial resample.


The number of samples used for each assessment resample.


A integer indicating how many (if any) additional resamples to skip to thin the total amount of data points in the analysis resample. See the example below.


A value to include an lag between the assessment and analysis set. This is useful if lagged predictors will be used during training and testing.


A logical. Should the analysis resample grow beyond the size specified by initial at each resample?.


The number of slices to return. Set to dplyr::n(), which returns the maximum number of slices.


Whether or not to have the testing set be a single point forecast or to be a forecast horizon. The default is to be a forecast horizon. Default: FALSE


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


Time-Based Specification

The initial, assess, skip, and lag variables can be specified as:

  • Numeric: initial = 24

  • Time-Based Phrases: initial = "2 years", if the data contains a date_var (date or datetime)

Initial (Training Set) and Assess (Testing Set)

The main options, initial and assess, control the number of data points from the original data that are in the analysis (training set) and the assessment (testing set), respectively.


skip enables the function to not use every data point in the resamples. When skip = 1, the resampling data sets will increment by one position.

Example: Suppose that the rows of a data set are consecutive days. Using skip = 7 will make the analysis data set operate on weeks instead of days. The assessment set size is not affected by this option.


The Lag parameter creates an overlap between the Testing set. This is needed when lagged predictors are used.

Cumulative vs Sliding Window

When cumulative = TRUE, the initial parameter is ignored and the analysis (training) set will grow as resampling continues while the assessment (testing) set size will always remain static.

When cumulative = FALSE, the initial parameter fixes the analysis (training) set and resampling occurs over a fixed window.

Slice Limit

This controls the number of slices. If slice_limit = 5, only the most recent 5 slices will be returned.

Point Forecast

A point forecast is sometimes desired such as if you want to forecast a value "4-weeks" into the future. You can do this by setting the following parameters:

  • assess = "4 weeks"

  • point_forecast = TRUE

Panel Data / Time Series Groups / Overlapping Timestamps

Overlapping timestamps occur when your data has more than one time series group. This is sometimes called Panel Data or Time Series Groups.

When timestamps are duplicated (as in the case of "Panel Data" or "Time Series Groups"), the resample calculation applies a sliding window of fixed length to the dataset. See the example using walmart_sales_weekly dataset below.


An tibble with classes time_series_cv, rset, tbl_df, tbl, and data.frame. The results include a column for the data split objects and a column called id that has a character string with the resample identifier.

See Also



# DATA ----
m750 <- m4_monthly %>% dplyr::filter(id == "M750")

resample_spec <- time_series_cv(data = m750,
                                initial     = "6 years",
                                assess      = "24 months",
                                skip        = "24 months",
                                cumulative  = FALSE,
                                slice_limit = 3)



# Select date and value columns from the tscv diagnostic tool
resample_spec %>% tk_time_series_cv_plan()

# Plot the date and value columns to see the CV Plan
resample_spec %>%
    plot_time_series_cv_plan(date, value, .interactive = FALSE)

# - Time Series Groups are processed using an *ungrouped* data set
# - The data has sliding windows applied starting with the beginning of the series
# - The seven groups of weekly time series are
#   processed together for <split [358/78]> dimensions

walmart_tscv <- walmart_sales_weekly %>%
        date_var    = Date,
        initial     = "12 months",
        assess      = "3 months",
        skip        = "3 months",
        slice_limit = 4


walmart_tscv %>%
    plot_time_series_cv_plan(Date, Weekly_Sales, .interactive = FALSE)

Simple Training/Test Set Splitting for Time Series


time_series_split creates resample splits using time_series_cv() but returns only a single split. This is useful when creating a single train/test split.


  date_var = NULL,
  initial = 5,
  assess = 1,
  skip = 1,
  lag = 0,
  cumulative = FALSE,
  slice = 1,
  point_forecast = FALSE,



A data frame.


A date or date-time variable.


The number of samples used for analysis/modeling in the initial resample.


The number of samples used for each assessment resample.


A integer indicating how many (if any) additional resamples to skip to thin the total amount of data points in the analysis resample. See the example below.


A value to include an lag between the assessment and analysis set. This is useful if lagged predictors will be used during training and testing.


A logical. Should the analysis resample grow beyond the size specified by initial at each resample?.


Returns a single slice from time_series_cv


Whether or not to have the testing set be a single point forecast or to be a forecast horizon. The default is to be a forecast horizon. Default: FALSE


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


Time-Based Specification

The initial, assess, skip, and lag variables can be specified as:

  • Numeric: initial = 24

  • Time-Based Phrases: initial = "2 years", if the data contains a date_var (date or datetime)

Initial (Training Set) and Assess (Testing Set)

The main options, initial and assess, control the number of data points from the original data that are in the analysis (training set) and the assessment (testing set), respectively.


skip enables the function to not use every data point in the resamples. When skip = 1, the resampling data sets will increment by one position.

Example: Suppose that the rows of a data set are consecutive days. Using skip = 7 will make the analysis data set operate on weeks instead of days. The assessment set size is not affected by this option.


The Lag parameter creates an overlap between the Testing set. This is needed when lagged predictors are used.

Cumulative vs Sliding Window

When cumulative = TRUE, the initial parameter is ignored and the analysis (training) set will grow as resampling continues while the assessment (testing) set size will always remain static.

When cumulative = FALSE, the initial parameter fixes the analysis (training) set and resampling occurs over a fixed window.


This controls which slice is returned. If slice = 1, only the most recent slice will be returned.


An rsplit object that can be used with the training and testing functions to extract the data in each split.

See Also



# DATA ----
m750 <- m4_monthly %>% dplyr::filter(id == "M750")

# Get the most recent 3 years as testing, and previous 10 years as training
m750 %>%
    time_series_split(initial = "10 years", assess = "3 years")

# Skip the most recent 3 years
m750 %>%
        initial = "10 years",
        assess  = "3 years",
        skip    = "3 years",
        slice   = 2          # <- Returns 2nd slice, 3-years back

# Add 1 year lag for testing overlap
m750 %>%
        initial = "10 years",
        assess  = "3 years",
        skip    = "3 years",
        slice   = 2,
        lag     = "1 year"   # <- Overlaps training/testing by 1 year

Group-wise ACF, PACF, and CCF Data Preparation


The tk_acf_diagnostics() function provides a simple interface to detect Autocorrelation (ACF), Partial Autocorrelation (PACF), and Cross Correlation (CCF) of Lagged Predictors in one tibble. This function powers the plot_acf_diagnostics() visualization.


tk_acf_diagnostics(.data, .date_var, .value, .ccf_vars = NULL, .lags = 1000)



A data frame or tibble with numeric features (values) in descending chronological order


A column containing either date or date-time values


A numeric column with a value to have ACF and PACF calculations performed.


Additional features to perform Lag Cross Correlations (CCFs) versus the .value. Useful for evaluating external lagged regressors.


A seqence of one or more lags to evaluate.


Simplified ACF, PACF, & CCF

We are often interested in all 3 of these functions. Why not get all 3 at once? Now you can!

  • ACF - Autocorrelation between a target variable and lagged versions of itself

  • PACF - Partial Autocorrelation removes the dependence of lags on other lags highlighting key seasonalities.

  • CCF - Shows how lagged predictors can be used for prediction of a target variable.

Lag Specification

Lags (.lags) can either be specified as:

  • A time-based phrase indicating a duraction (e.g. ⁠2 months⁠)

  • A maximum lag (e.g. .lags = 28)

  • A sequence of lags (e.g. .lags = 7:28)

Scales to Multiple Time Series with Groupes

The tk_acf_diagnostics() works with grouped_df's, meaning you can group your time series by one or more categorical columns with dplyr::group_by() and then apply tk_acf_diagnostics() to return group-wise lag diagnostics.

Special Note on Dots (...)

Unlike other plotting utilities, the ... arguments is NOT used for group-wise analysis. Rather, it's used for processing Cross Correlations (CCFs).

Use dplyr::group_by() for processing multiple time series groups.


A tibble or data.frame containing the autocorrelation, partial autocorrelation and cross correlation data.

See Also



# ACF, PACF, & CCF in 1 Data Frame
# - Get ACF & PACF for target (adjusted)
# - Get CCF between adjusted and volume and close
FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
    tk_acf_diagnostics(date, adjusted,                # ACF & PACF
                       .ccf_vars = c(volume, close),  # CCFs
                       .lags     = 500)

# Scale with groups using group_by()
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
    tk_acf_diagnostics(date, adjusted,
                       .ccf_vars = c(volume, close),
                       .lags     = "3 months")

# Apply Transformations
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
        date, diff_vec(adjusted),  # Apply differencing transformation
        .lags = 0:500

Automatic group-wise Anomaly Detection by STL Decomposition


tk_anomaly_diagnostics() is the preprocessor for plot_anomaly_diagnostics(). It performs automatic anomaly detection for one or more time series groups.


  .frequency = "auto",
  .trend = "auto",
  .alpha = 0.05,
  .max_anomalies = 0.2,
  .message = TRUE



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values


A column containing numeric values


Controls the seasonal adjustment (removal of seasonality). Input can be either "auto", a time-based definition (e.g. "2 weeks"), or a numeric number of observations per frequency (e.g. 10). Refer to tk_get_frequency().


Controls the trend component. For STL, trend controls the sensitivity of the LOESS smoother, which is used to remove the remainder. Refer to tk_get_trend().


Controls the width of the "normal" range. Lower values are more conservative while higher values are less prone to incorrectly classifying "normal" observations.


The maximum percent of anomalies permitted to be identified.


A boolean. If TRUE, will output information related to automatic frequency and trend selection (if applicable).


The tk_anomaly_diagnostics() method for anomaly detection that implements a 2-step process to detect outliers in time series.

Step 1: Detrend & Remove Seasonality using STL Decomposition

The decomposition separates the "season" and "trend" components from the "observed" values leaving the "remainder" for anomaly detection.

The user can control two parameters: frequency and trend.

  1. .frequency: Adjusts the "season" component that is removed from the "observed" values.

  2. .trend: Adjusts the trend window (t.window parameter from stats::stl() that is used.

The user may supply both .frequency and .trend as time-based durations (e.g. "6 weeks") or numeric values (e.g. 180) or "auto", which predetermines the frequency and/or trend based on the scale of the time series using the tk_time_scale_template().

Step 2: Anomaly Detection

Once "trend" and "season" (seasonality) is removed, anomaly detection is performed on the "remainder". Anomalies are identified, and boundaries (recomposed_l1 and recomposed_l2) are determined.

The Anomaly Detection Method uses an inner quartile range (IQR) of +/-25 the median.

IQR Adjustment, alpha parameter

With the default alpha = 0.05, the limits are established by expanding the 25/75 baseline by an IQR Factor of 3 (3X). The IQR Factor = 0.15 / alpha (hence 3X with alpha = 0.05):

  • To increase the IQR Factor controlling the limits, decrease the alpha, which makes it more difficult to be an outlier.

  • Increase alpha to make it easier to be an outlier.

  • The IQR outlier detection method is used in forecast::tsoutliers().

  • A similar outlier detection method is used by Twitter's AnomalyDetection package.

  • Both Twitter and Forecast tsoutliers methods have been implemented in Business Science's anomalize package.


A tibble or data.frame with STL Decomposition Features (observed, season, trend, remainder, seasadj) and Anomaly Features (remainder_l1, remainder_l2, anomaly, recomposed_l1, and recomposed_l2)


  1. CLEVELAND, R. B., CLEVELAND, W. S., MCRAE, J. E., AND TERPENNING, I. STL: A Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Procedure Based on Loess. Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1990), pp. 3-73.

  2. Owen S. Vallis, Jordan Hochenbaum and Arun Kejariwal (2014). A Novel Technique for Long-Term Anomaly Detection in the Cloud. Twitter Inc.

See Also



walmart_sales_weekly %>%
    filter(id %in% c("1_1", "1_3")) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    tk_anomaly_diagnostics(Date, Weekly_Sales)

Add many differenced columns to the data


A handy function for adding multiple lagged difference values to a data frame. Works with dplyr groups too.


  .lags = 1,
  .differences = 1,
  .log = FALSE,
  .names = "auto"



A tibble.


One or more column(s) to have a transformation applied. Usage of tidyselect functions (e.g. contains()) can be used to select multiple columns.


One or more lags for the difference(s)


The number of differences to apply.


If TRUE, applies log-differences.


A vector of names for the new columns. Must be of same length as the number of output columns. Use "auto" to automatically rename the columns.



This is a scalable function that is:

  • Designed to work with grouped data using dplyr::group_by()

  • Add multiple differences by adding a sequence of differences using the .lags argument (e.g. lags = 1:20)


Returns a tibble object describing the timeseries.

See Also

Augment Operations:

Underlying Function:

  • diff_vec() - Underlying function that powers tk_augment_differences()



m4_monthly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    tk_augment_differences(value, .lags = 1:20)

Add many fourier series to the data


A handy function for adding multiple fourier series to a data frame. Works with dplyr groups too.


tk_augment_fourier(.data, .date_var, .periods, .K = 1, .names = "auto")



A tibble.


A date or date-time column used to calculate a fourier series


One or more periods for the fourier series


The maximum number of fourier orders.


A vector of names for the new columns. Must be of same length as the number of output columns. Use "auto" to automatically rename the columns.



This is a scalable function that is:

  • Designed to work with grouped data using dplyr::group_by()

  • Add multiple differences by adding a sequence of differences using the .periods argument (e.g. lags = 1:20)


Returns a tibble object describing the timeseries.

See Also

Augment Operations:

Underlying Function:

  • fourier_vec() - Underlying function that powers tk_augment_fourier()



m4_monthly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    tk_augment_fourier(date, .periods = c(6, 12), .K = 2)

Add many holiday features to the data


Quickly add the "holiday signature" - sets of holiday features that correspond to calendar dates. Works with dplyr groups too.


  .date_var = NULL,
  .holiday_pattern = ".",
  .locale_set = c("all", "none", "World", "US", "CA", "GB", "FR", "IT", "JP", "CH", "DE"),
  .exchange_set = c("all", "none", "NYSE", "LONDON", "NERC", "TSX", "ZURICH")



A time-based tibble or time-series object.


A column containing either date or date-time values. If NULL, the time-based column will interpret from the object (tibble).


A regular expression pattern to search the "Holiday Set".


Return binary holidays based on locale. One of: "all", "none", "World", "US", "CA", "GB", "FR", "IT", "JP", "CH", "DE".


Return binary holidays based on Stock Exchange Calendars. One of: "all", "none", "NYSE", "LONDON", "NERC", "TSX", "ZURICH".


tk_augment_holiday_signature adds the holiday signature features. See tk_get_holiday_signature() (powers the augment function) for a full description and examples for how to use.

1. Individual Holidays

These are single holiday features that can be filtered using a pattern. This helps in identifying which holidays are important to a machine learning model. This can be useful for example in e-commerce initiatives (e.g. sales during Christmas and Thanskgiving).

2. Locale-Based Summary Sets

Locale-based holdiay sets are useful for e-commerce initiatives (e.g. sales during Christmas and Thanskgiving). Filter on a locale to identify all holidays in that locale.

3. Stock Exchange Calendar Summary Sets

Exchange-based holdiay sets are useful for identifying non-working days. Filter on an index to identify all holidays that are commonly non-working.


Returns a tibble object describing the holiday timeseries.

See Also

Augment Operations:

Underlying Function:



dates_in_2017_tbl <- tibble(index = tk_make_timeseries("2017-01-01", "2017-12-31", by = "day"))

# Non-working days in US due to Holidays using NYSE stock exchange calendar
dates_in_2017_tbl %>%
        .holiday_pattern = "^$",   # Returns nothing on purpose
        .locale_set      = "none",
        .exchange_set    = "NYSE")

# All holidays in US
dates_in_2017_tbl %>%
        .holiday_pattern = "US_",
        .locale_set      = "US",
        .exchange_set    = "none")

# All holidays for World and Italy-specific Holidays
# - Note that Italy celebrates specific holidays in addition to many World Holidays
dates_in_2017_tbl %>%
        .holiday_pattern = "(World)|(IT_)",
        .locale_set      = c("World", "IT"),
        .exchange_set    = "none")

Add many lags to the data


A handy function for adding multiple lagged columns to a data frame. Works with dplyr groups too.


tk_augment_lags(.data, .value, .lags = 1, .names = "auto")

tk_augment_leads(.data, .value, .lags = -1, .names = "auto")



A tibble.


One or more column(s) to have a transformation applied. Usage of tidyselect functions (e.g. contains()) can be used to select multiple columns.


One or more lags for the difference(s)


A vector of names for the new columns. Must be of same length as .lags.


Lags vs Leads

A negative lag is considered a lead. The tk_augment_leads() function is identical to tk_augment_lags() with the exception that the automatic naming convetion (.names = 'auto') will convert column names with negative lags to leads.


This is a scalable function that is:

  • Designed to work with grouped data using dplyr::group_by()

  • Add multiple lags by adding a sequence of lags using the .lags argument (e.g. .lags = 1:20)


Returns a tibble object describing the timeseries.

See Also

Augment Operations:

Underlying Function:

  • lag_vec() - Underlying function that powers tk_augment_lags()



# Lags
m4_monthly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    tk_augment_lags(contains("value"), .lags = 1:20)

# Leads
m4_monthly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    tk_augment_leads(value, .lags = 1:-20)

Add many rolling window calculations to the data


Quickly use any function as a rolling function and apply to multiple .periods. Works with dplyr groups too.


  .align = c("center", "left", "right"),
  .partial = FALSE,
  .names = "auto"



A tibble.


One or more column(s) to have a transformation applied. Usage of tidyselect functions (e.g. contains()) can be used to select multiple columns.


One or more periods for the rolling window(s)


A summary ⁠[function / formula]⁠,


Optional arguments for the summary function


Rolling functions generate .period - 1 fewer values than the incoming vector. Thus, the vector needs to be aligned. Select one of "center", "left", or "right".


.partial Should the moving window be allowed to return partial (incomplete) windows instead of NA values. Set to FALSE by default, but can be switched to TRUE to remove NA's.


A vector of names for the new columns. Must be of same length as .period. Default is "auto".


tk_augment_slidify() scales the slidify_vec() function to multiple time series .periods. See slidify_vec() for examples and usage of the core function arguments.


Returns a tibble object describing the timeseries.

See Also

Augment Operations:

Underlying Function:

  • slidify_vec() - The underlying function that powers tk_augment_slidify()



# Single Column | Multiple Rolling Windows
FANG %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted) %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
        .value   = contains("adjust"),
        # Multiple rolling windows
        .period  = c(10, 30, 60, 90),
        .f       = mean,
        .partial = TRUE,
        .names   = stringr::str_c("MA_", c(10, 30, 60, 90))
    ) %>%

# Multiple Columns | Multiple Rolling Windows
FANG %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted, volume) %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
        .value  = c(adjusted, volume),
        .period  = c(10, 30, 60, 90),
        .f       = mean,
        .partial = TRUE
    ) %>%

Add many time series features to the data


Add many time series features to the data


tk_augment_timeseries_signature(.data, .date_var = NULL)



A time-based tibble or time-series object.


For tibbles, a column containing either date or date-time values. If NULL, the time-based column will interpret from the object (tibble, xts, zoo, etc).


tk_augment_timeseries_signature() adds 25+ time series features including:

  • Trend in Seconds Granularity: index.num

  • Yearly Seasonality: Year, Month, Quarter

  • Weekly Seasonality: Week of Month, Day of Month, Day of Week, and more

  • Daily Seasonality: Hour, Minute, Second

  • Weekly Cyclic Patterns: 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks


Returns a tibble object describing the timeseries.

See Also

Augment Operations:

Underlying Function:



m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%

Automatic frequency and trend calculation from a time series index


Automatic frequency and trend calculation from a time series index


tk_get_frequency(idx, period = "auto", message = TRUE)

tk_get_trend(idx, period = "auto", message = TRUE)



A date or datetime index.


Either "auto", a time-based definition (e.g. "2 weeks"), or a numeric number of observations per frequency (e.g. 10).


A boolean. If message = TRUE, the frequency or trend is output as a message along with the units in the scale of the data.


A frequency is loosely defined as the number of observations that comprise a cycle in a data set. The trend is loosely defined as time span that can be aggregated across to visualize the central tendency of the data. It's often easiest to think of frequency and trend in terms of the time-based units that the data is already in. This is what tk_get_frequency() and time_trend() enable: using time-based periods to define the frequency or trend.


As an example, a weekly cycle is often 5-days (for working days) or 7-days (for calendar days). Rather than specify a frequency of 5 or 7, the user can specify period = "1 week", and tk_get_frequency() will detect the scale of the time series and return 5 or 7 based on the actual data.

The period argument has three basic options for returning a frequency. Options include:

  • "auto": A target frequency is determined using a pre-defined template (see template below).

  • ⁠time-based duration⁠: (e.g. "1 week" or "2 quarters" per cycle)

  • ⁠numeric number of observations⁠: (e.g. 5 for 5 observations per cycle)

When period = "auto", the tk_time_scale_template() is used to calculate the frequency.


As an example, the trend of daily data is often best aggregated by evaluating the moving average over a quarter or a month span. Rather than specify the number of days in a quarter or month, the user can specify "1 quarter" or "1 month", and the time_trend() function will return the correct number of observations per trend cycle. In addition, there is an option, period = "auto", to auto-detect an appropriate trend span depending on the data. The template is used to define the appropriate trend span.

Time Scale Template

The tk_time_scale_template() is a Look-Up Table used by the trend and period to find the appropriate time scale. It contains three features: time_scale, frequency, and trend.

The algorithm will inspect the scale of the time series and select the best frequency or trend that matches the scale and number of observations per target frequency. A frequency is then chosen on be the best match.

The predefined template is stored in a function tk_time_scale_template(). You can modify the template with set_tk_time_scale_template().


Returns a scalar numeric value indicating the number of observations in the frequency or trend span.

See Also



idx_FB <- FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%

# Automated Frequency Calculation
tk_get_frequency(idx_FB, period = "auto")

# Automated Trend Calculation
tk_get_trend(idx_FB, period = "auto")

# Manually Override Trend
tk_get_trend(idx_FB, period = "1 year")

Get holiday features from a time-series index


Get holiday features from a time-series index


  holiday_pattern = ".",
  locale_set = c("all", "none", "World", "US", "CA", "GB", "FR", "IT", "JP", "CH", "DE"),
  exchange_set = c("all", "none", "NYSE", "LONDON", "NERC", "TSX", "ZURICH")

tk_get_holidays_by_year(years = year(today()))



A time-series index that is a vector of dates or datetimes.


A regular expression pattern to search the "Holiday Set".


Return binary holidays based on locale. One of: "all", "none", "World", "US", "CA", "GB", "FR", "IT", "JP", "CH", "DE".


Return binary holidays based on Stock Exchange Calendars. One of: "all", "none", "NYSE", "LONDON", "NERC", "TSX", "ZURICH".


One or more years to collect holidays for.


Feature engineering holidays can help identify critical patterns for machine learning algorithms. tk_get_holiday_signature() helps by providing feature sets for 3 types of features:

1. Individual Holidays

These are single holiday features that can be filtered using a pattern. This helps in identifying which holidays are important to a machine learning model. This can be useful for example in e-commerce initiatives (e.g. sales during Christmas and Thanskgiving).

2. Locale-Based Summary Sets

Locale-based holdiay sets are useful for e-commerce initiatives (e.g. sales during Christmas and Thanskgiving). Filter on a locale to identify all holidays in that locale.

3. Stock Exchange Calendar Summary Sets

Exchange-based holdiay sets are useful for identifying non-working days. Filter on an index to identify all holidays that are commonly non-working.


Returns a tibble object describing the timeseries holidays.

See Also



# Works with time-based tibbles
idx <- tk_make_timeseries("2017-01-01", "2017-12-31", by = "day")

# --- BASIC USAGE ----



# List available holidays - see patterns
tk_get_holidays_by_year(2020) %>%
    filter(holiday_name %>% str_detect("US_"))

# Filter using holiday patterns
# - Get New Years, Christmas and Thanksgiving Features in US
    holiday_pattern = "(US_NewYears)|(US_Christmas)|(US_Thanks)",
    locale_set      = "none",
    exchange_set    = "none")


# Filter with locale sets - Signals all holidays in a locale
    holiday_pattern = "$^", # Matches nothing on purpose
    locale_set      = "US",
    exchange_set    = "none")

# Filter with exchange sets - Signals Common Non-Business Days
    holiday_pattern = "$^", # Matches nothing on purpose
    locale_set      = "none",
    exchange_set    = "NYSE")

Get date features from a time-series index


Get date features from a time-series index






A time-series index that is a vector of dates or datetimes.


tk_get_timeseries_signature decomposes the timeseries into commonly needed features such as numeric value, differences, year, month, day, day of week, day of month, day of year, hour, minute, second.

tk_get_timeseries_summary returns the summary returns the start, end, units, scale, and a "summary" of the timeseries differences in seconds including the minimum, 1st quartile, median, mean, 3rd quartile, and maximum frequency. The timeseries differences give the user a better picture of the index frequency so the user can understand the level of regularity or irregularity. A perfectly regular time series will have equal values in seconds for each metric. However, this is not often the case.

Important Note: These functions only work with time-based indexes in datetime, date, yearmon, and yearqtr values. Regularized dates cannot be decomposed.


Returns a tibble object describing the timeseries.

See Also

tk_index(), tk_augment_timeseries_signature(), tk_make_future_timeseries()



# Works with time-based tibbles
FB_tbl <- FANG %>% dplyr::filter(symbol == "FB")
FB_idx <- tk_index(FB_tbl)


# Works with dates in any periodicity
idx_weekly <- seq.Date(from = lubridate::ymd("2016-01-01"), by = 'week', length.out = 6)


# Works with zoo yearmon and yearqtr classes
idx_yearmon <- seq.Date(from       = lubridate::ymd("2016-01-01"),
                        by         = "month",
                        length.out = 12) %>%


Get the timeseries unit frequency for the primary time scales


Get the timeseries unit frequency for the primary time scales




tk_get_timeseries_unit_frequency returns a tibble containing the timeseries frequencies in seconds for the primary time scales including "sec", "min", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "quarter", and "year".



Get date or datetime variables (column names)


Get date or datetime variables (column names)





An object of class data.frame


tk_get_timeseries_variables returns the column names of date or datetime variables in a data frame. Classes that meet criteria for return include those that inherit POSIXt, Date, zoo::yearmon, zoo::yearqtr. Function was adapted from padr:::get_date_variables(). See padr helpers.R


tk_get_timeseries_variables returns a vector containing column names of date-like classes.



FANG %>%

Extract an index of date or datetime from time series objects, models, forecasts


Extract an index of date or datetime from time series objects, models, forecasts


tk_index(data, timetk_idx = FALSE, silent = FALSE)




A time-based tibble, time-series object, time-series model, or forecast object.


If timetk_idx is TRUE a timetk time-based index attribute is attempted to be returned. If FALSE the default index is returned. See discussion below for further details.


Used to toggle printing of messages and warnings.


tk_index() is used to extract the date or datetime index from various time series objects, models and forecasts. The method can be used on tbl, xts, zoo, zooreg, and ts objects. The method can additionally be used on forecast objects and a number of objects generated by modeling functions such as Arima, ets, and HoltWinters classes to get the index of the underlying data.

The boolean timetk_idx argument is applicable to regularized time series objects such as ts and zooreg classes that have both a regularized index and potentially a "timetk index" (a time-based attribute). When set to FALSE the regularized index is returned. When set to TRUE the time-based timetk index is returned if present.

has_timetk_idx() is used to determine if the object has a "timetk index" attribute and can thus benefit from the tk_index(timetk_idx = TRUE). TRUE indicates the "timetk index" attribute is present. FALSE indicates the "timetk index" attribute is not present. If FALSE, the tk_index() function will return the default index for the data type.

Important Note: To gain the benefit of timetk_idx the time series must have a timetk index. Use has_timetk_idx to determine if the object has a timetk index. This is particularly important for ts objects, which by default do not contain a time-based index and therefore must be coerced from time-based objects such as tbl, xts, or zoo using the tk_ts() function in order to get the "timetk index" attribute. Refer to tk_ts() for creating persistent date / datetime index during coercion to ts.


Returns a vector of date or date times

See Also

tk_ts(), tk_tbl(), tk_xts(), tk_zoo(), tk_zooreg()


# Create time-based tibble
data_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
    date = seq.Date(from = as.Date("2000-01-01"), by = 1, length.out = 5),
    x    = rnorm(5) * 10,
    y    = 5:1
tk_index(data_tbl) # Returns time-based index vector

# Coerce to ts using tk_ts(): Preserves time-basis
data_ts <- tk_ts(data_tbl)
tk_index(data_ts, timetk_idx = FALSE) # Returns regularized index
tk_index(data_ts, timetk_idx = TRUE)  # Returns original time-based index vector

# Coercing back to tbl
tk_tbl(data_ts, timetk_idx = FALSE) # Returns regularized tbl
tk_tbl(data_ts, timetk_idx = TRUE)  # Returns time-based tbl

Make future time series from existing


Make future time series from existing


  inspect_weekdays = FALSE,
  inspect_months = FALSE,
  skip_values = NULL,
  insert_values = NULL,
  n_future = NULL



A vector of dates


Number of future observations. Can be numeric number or a phrase like "1 year".


Uses a logistic regression algorithm to inspect whether certain weekdays (e.g. weekends) should be excluded from the future dates. Default is FALSE.


Uses a logistic regression algorithm to inspect whether certain days of months (e.g. last two weeks of year or seasonal days) should be excluded from the future dates. Default is FALSE.


A vector of same class as idx of timeseries values to skip.


A vector of same class as idx of timeseries values to insert.


(DEPRECATED) Number of future observations. Can be numeric number or a phrase like "1 year".


Future Sequences

tk_make_future_timeseries returns a time series based on the input index frequency and attributes.

Specifying Length of Future Observations

The argument length_out determines how many future index observations to compute. It can be specified as:

  • A numeric value - the number of future observations to return.

    • The number of observations returned is always equal to the value the user inputs.

    • The end date can vary based on the number of timestamps chosen.

  • A time-based phrase - The duration into the future to include (e.g. "6 months" or "30 minutes").

    • The duration defines the end date for observations.

    • The end date will not change and those timestamps that fall within the end date will be returned (e.g. a quarterly time series will return 4 quarters if length_out = "1 year").

    • The number of observations will vary to fit within the end date.

Weekday and Month Inspection

The inspect_weekdays and inspect_months arguments apply to "daily" (scale = "day") data (refer to tk_get_timeseries_summary() to get the index scale).

  • The inspect_weekdays argument is useful in determining missing days of the week that occur on a weekly frequency such as every week, every other week, and so on. It's recommended to have at least 60 days to use this option.

  • The inspect_months argument is useful in determining missing days of the month, quarter or year; however, the algorithm can inadvertently select incorrect dates if the pattern is erratic.

Skipping / Inserting Values

The skip_values and insert_values arguments can be used to remove and add values into the series of future times. The values must be the same format as the idx class.

  • The skip_values argument useful for passing holidays or special index values that should be excluded from the future time series.

  • The insert_values argument is useful for adding values back that the algorithm may have excluded.


A vector containing future index of the same class as the incoming index idx

See Also



# Basic example - By 3 seconds
idx <- tk_make_timeseries("2016-01-01 00:00:00", by = "3 sec", length_out = 3)

# Make next three timestamps in series
idx %>% tk_make_future_timeseries(length_out = 3)

# Make next 6 seconds of timestamps from the next timestamp
idx %>% tk_make_future_timeseries(length_out = "6 sec")

# Basic Example - By 1 Month
idx <- tk_make_timeseries("2016-01-01", by = "1 month",
                          length_out = "12 months")

# Make 12 months of timestamps from the next timestamp
idx %>% tk_make_future_timeseries(length_out = "12 months")

# - Combine holiday sequences with future sequences

# Create index of days that FB stock will be traded in 2017 based on 2016 + holidays
FB_tbl <- FANG %>% dplyr::filter(symbol == "FB")

holidays <- tk_make_holiday_sequence(
    start_date = "2017-01-01",
    end_date   = "2017-12-31",
    calendar   = "NYSE")

# Remove holidays with skip_values, and remove weekends with inspect_weekdays = TRUE
FB_tbl %>%
    tk_index() %>%
    tk_make_future_timeseries(length_out       = "1 year",
                              inspect_weekdays = TRUE,
                              skip_values      = holidays)

Make daily Holiday and Weekend date sequences


Make daily Holiday and Weekend date sequences


  calendar = c("NYSE", "LONDON", "NERC", "TSX", "ZURICH"),
  skip_values = NULL,
  insert_values = NULL

tk_make_weekend_sequence(start_date, end_date)

  remove_weekends = TRUE,
  remove_holidays = FALSE,
  calendar = c("NYSE", "LONDON", "NERC", "TSX", "ZURICH"),
  skip_values = NULL,
  insert_values = NULL



Used to define the starting date for date sequence generation. Provide in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.


Used to define the ending date for date sequence generation. Provide in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.


The calendar to be used in Date Sequence calculations for Holidays from the timeDate package. Acceptable values are: "NYSE", "LONDON", "NERC", "TSX", "ZURICH".


A daily date sequence to skip


A daily date sequence to insert


A logical value indicating whether or not to remove weekends (Saturday and Sunday) from the date sequence


A logical value indicating whether or not to remove common holidays from the date sequence


Start and End Date Specification

  • Accept shorthand notation (i.e. tk_make_timeseries() specifications apply)

  • Only available in Daily Periods.

Holiday Sequences

tk_make_holiday_sequence() is a wrapper for various holiday calendars from the timeDate package, making it easy to generate holiday sequences for common business calendars:

  • New York Stock Exchange: calendar = "NYSE"

  • Londo Stock Exchange: "LONDON"

  • North American Reliability Council: "NERC"

  • Toronto Stock Exchange: "TSX"

  • Zurich Stock Exchange: "ZURICH"

Weekend and Weekday Sequences

These simply populate


A vector containing future dates

See Also



# Set max.print to 50
options_old <- options()$max.print
options(max.print = 50)


# Business Holiday Sequence
tk_make_holiday_sequence("2017-01-01", "2017-12-31", calendar = "NYSE")

tk_make_holiday_sequence("2017", calendar = "NYSE") # Same thing as above (just shorter)

# Weekday Sequence
tk_make_weekday_sequence("2017", "2018", remove_holidays = TRUE)

# Weekday Sequence + Removing Business Holidays
tk_make_weekday_sequence("2017", "2018", remove_holidays = TRUE)

# - A common machine learning application is creating a future time series data set
#   from an existing

# Create index of days that FB stock will be traded in 2017 based on 2016 + holidays
FB_tbl <- FANG %>% dplyr::filter(symbol == "FB")

holidays <- tk_make_holiday_sequence(
    start_date = "2016",
    end_date   = "2017",
    calendar   = "NYSE")

weekends <- tk_make_weekend_sequence(
    start_date = "2016",
    end_date   = "2017")

# Remove holidays and weekends with skip_values
# We could also remove weekends with inspect_weekdays = TRUE
FB_tbl %>%
    tk_index() %>%
    tk_make_future_timeseries(length_out       = 366,
                              skip_values      = c(holidays, weekends))

options(max.print = options_old)

Intelligent date and date-time sequence creation


Improves on the seq.Date() and seq.POSIXt() functions by simplifying into 1 function tk_make_timeseries(). Intelligently handles character dates and logical assumptions based on user inputs.


  length_out = NULL,
  include_endpoints = TRUE,
  skip_values = NULL,
  insert_values = NULL



Used to define the starting date for date sequence generation. Provide in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.


Used to define the ending date for date sequence generation. Provide in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.


A character string, containing one of "sec", "min", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "quarter" or "year". You can create regularly spaced sequences using phrases like by = "10 min". See Details.


Optional length of the sequence. Can be used instead of one of: start_date, end_date, or by. Can be specified as a number or a time-based phrase.


Logical. Whether or not to keep the last value when length_out is a time-based phrase. Default is TRUE (keep last value).


A sequence to skip


A sequence to insert


The tk_make_timeseries() function handles both date and date-time sequences automatically.

  • Parses date and date times from character

  • Intelligently guesses the sequence desired based on arguments provided

  • Handles spacing intelligently

  • When both by and length_out are missing, guesses either second or day sequences

  • Can skip and insert values if needed.

Start and End Date Specification

Start and end dates can be specified in reduced time-based phrases:

  • start_date = "2014": Is converted to "2014-01-01" (start of period)

  • end_date = "2014": Is converted to "2014-12-31" (end of period)

  • start_date = "2014-03": Is converted to "2014-03-01" (start of period)

  • end_date = "2014-03": Is converted to "2014-03-31" (end of period)

A similar process can be used for date-times.

By: Daily Sequences

Make a daily sequence with tk_make_timeseries(by). Examples:

  • Every Day: by = "day"

  • Every 2-Weeks: by = "2 weeks"

  • Every 6-months: by = "6 months"

If missing, will guess by = "day"

By: Sub-Daily Sequences

Make a sub-daily sequence with tk_make_timeseries(by). Examples:

  • Every minute: by = "min"

  • Every 30-seconds: by = "30 sec"

  • Every 2-hours: ⁠by = "2 hours⁠

If missing, will guess by = "sec" if the start or end date is a date-time specification.

Length Out

The length_out can be specified by number of observation or complex time-based expressions. The following examples are all possible.

  • length_out = 12 Creates 12 evenly spaced observations.

  • length_out = "12 months" Adjusts the end date so it falls on the 12th month.

Include Endpoint

Sometimes the last date is not desired. For example, if the user specifies ⁠length_out = 12 months⁠, the user may want the last value to be the 12th month and not the 13th. Just toggle, include_endpoint = FALSE to obtain this behavior.

Skip / Insert Timestamps

Skips and inserts are performed after the sequence is generated. This means that if you use the length_out parameter, the length may differ than the length_out.


A vector containing date or date-times

See Also



# Set max.print to 50
options_old <- options()$max.print
options(max.print = 50)

# ---- DATE ----

# Start + End, Guesses by = "day"
tk_make_timeseries("2017-01-01", "2017-12-31")

# Just Start
tk_make_timeseries("2017") # Same result

# Only dates in February, 2017

# Start + Length Out, Guesses by = "day"
tk_make_timeseries("2012", length_out = 6) # Guesses by = "day"

# Start + By + Length Out, Spacing 6 observations by monthly interval
tk_make_timeseries("2012", by = "1 month", length_out = 6)

# Start + By + Length Out, Phrase "1 year 6 months"
tk_make_timeseries("2012", by = "1 month",
                   length_out = "1 year 6 months", include_endpoints = FALSE)

# Going in Reverse, End + Length Out
tk_make_timeseries(end_date = "2012-01-01", by = "1 month",
                   length_out = "1 year 6 months", include_endpoints = FALSE)

# ---- DATE-TIME ----

# Start + End, Guesses by second
tk_make_timeseries("2016-01-01 01:01:02", "2016-01-01 01:01:04")

# Date-Time Sequence - By 10 Minutes
# - Converts to date-time automatically & applies 10-min interval
tk_make_timeseries("2017-01-01", "2017-01-02", by = "10 min")


# Last value in this case is desired
tk_make_timeseries("2017-01-01", by = "30 min", length_out = "6 hours")

# Last value in monthly case is not wanted
tk_make_timeseries("2012-01-01", by = "1 month",
                   length_out = "12 months",
                   include_endpoints = FALSE) # Removes unnecessary last value

# ---- SKIP & INSERT VALUES ----

    "2011-01-01", length_out = 5,
    skip_values   = "2011-01-05",
    insert_values = "2011-01-06"

options(max.print = options_old)

Group-wise Seasonality Data Preparation


tk_seasonal_diagnostics() is the preprocessor for plot_seasonal_diagnostics(). It helps by automating feature collection for time series seasonality analysis.


tk_seasonal_diagnostics(.data, .date_var, .value, .feature_set = "auto")



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values


A column containing numeric values


One or multiple selections to analyze for seasonality. Choices include:

  • "auto" - Automatically selects features based on the time stamps and length of the series.

  • "second" - Good for analyzing seasonality by second of each minute.

  • "minute" - Good for analyzing seasonality by minute of the hour

  • "hour" - Good for analyzing seasonality by hour of the day

  • "wday.lbl" - Labeled weekdays. Good for analyzing seasonality by day of the week.

  • "week" - Good for analyzing seasonality by week of the year.

  • "month.lbl" - Labeled months. Good for analyzing seasonality by month of the year.

  • "quarter" - Good for analyzing seasonality by quarter of the year

  • "year" - Good for analyzing seasonality over multiple years.


Automatic Feature Selection

Internal calculations are performed to detect a sub-range of features to include useing the following logic:

  • The minimum feature is selected based on the median difference between consecutive timestamps

  • The maximum feature is selected based on having 2 full periods.

Example: Hourly timestamp data that lasts more than 2 weeks will have the following features: "hour", "wday.lbl", and "week".

Scalable with Grouped Data Frames

This function respects grouped data.frame and tibbles that were made with dplyr::group_by().

For grouped data, the automatic feature selection returned is a collection of all features within the sub-groups. This means extra features are returned even though they may be meaningless for some of the groups.


The .value parameter respects transformations (e.g. .value = log(sales)).


A tibble or data.frame with seasonal features




# Hourly Data
m4_hourly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    tk_seasonal_diagnostics(date, value)

# Monthly Data
m4_monthly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    tk_seasonal_diagnostics(date, value)


m4_weekly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    tk_seasonal_diagnostics(date, log(value))


m4_hourly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    tk_seasonal_diagnostics(date, value, .feature_set = c("hour", "week"))

Group-wise STL Decomposition (Season, Trend, Remainder)


tk_stl_diagnostics() is the preprocessor for plot_stl_diagnostics(). It helps by automating frequency and trend selection.


  .frequency = "auto",
  .trend = "auto",
  .message = TRUE



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values


A column containing numeric values


Controls the seasonal adjustment (removal of seasonality). Input can be either "auto", a time-based definition (e.g. "2 weeks"), or a numeric number of observations per frequency (e.g. 10). Refer to tk_get_frequency().


Controls the trend component. For STL, trend controls the sensitivity of the lowess smoother, which is used to remove the remainder.


A boolean. If TRUE, will output information related to automatic frequency and trend selection (if applicable).


The tk_stl_diagnostics() function generates a Seasonal-Trend-Loess decomposition. The function is "tidy" in the sense that it works on data frames and is designed to work with dplyr groups.

STL method:

The STL method implements time series decomposition using the underlying stats::stl(). The decomposition separates the "season" and "trend" components from the "observed" values leaving the "remainder".

Frequency & Trend Selection

The user can control two parameters: .frequency and .trend.

  1. The .frequency parameter adjusts the "season" component that is removed from the "observed" values.

  2. The .trend parameter adjusts the trend window (t.window parameter from stl()) that is used.

The user may supply both .frequency and .trend as time-based durations (e.g. "6 weeks") or numeric values (e.g. 180) or "auto", which automatically selects the frequency and/or trend based on the scale of the time series.


A tibble or data.frame with Observed, Season, Trend, Remainder, and Seasonally-Adjusted features



m4_daily %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    tk_stl_diagnostics(date, box_cox_vec(value))

# ---- CUSTOM TREND ----
m4_weekly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    tk_stl_diagnostics(date, box_cox_vec(value), .trend = "2 quarters")

Group-wise Time Series Summary


tk_summary_diagnostics() returns the time series summary from one or more timeseries groups in a tibble.


tk_summary_diagnostics(.data, .date_var)



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values. If missing, attempts to auto-detect the date or date-time column.


Applies tk_get_timeseries_summary() group-wise returning the summary of one or more time series groups.

  • Respects dplyr groups

  • Returns the time series summary from a time-based feature.


A tibble or data.frame with timeseries summary features




# Monthly Data
m4_monthly %>%
    filter(id == "M750") %>%


# Monthly Data
m4_monthly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%

Coerce time-series objects to tibble.


Coerce time-series objects to tibble.


  preserve_index = TRUE,
  rename_index = "index",
  timetk_idx = FALSE,
  silent = FALSE,



A time-series object.


Attempts to preserve a time series index. Default is TRUE.


Enables the index column to be renamed.


Used to return a date / datetime index for regularized objects that contain a timetk "index" attribute. Refer to tk_index() for more information on returning index information from regularized timeseries objects (i.e. ts).


Used to toggle printing of messages and warnings.


Additional parameters passed to the tibble::as_tibble() function.


tk_tbl is designed to coerce time series objects (e.g. xts, zoo, ts, timeSeries, etc) to tibble objects. The main advantage is that the function keeps the date / date-time information from the underlying time-series object.

When preserve_index = TRUE is specified, a new column, index, is created during object coercion, and the function attempts to preserve the date or date-time information. The date / date-time column name can be changed using the rename_index argument.

The timetk_idx argument is applicable when coercing ts objects that were created using tk_ts() from an object that had a time base (e.g. tbl, xts, zoo). Setting timetk_idx = TRUE enables returning the timetk "index" attribute if present, which is the original (non-regularized) time-based index.


Returns a tibble object.

See Also

tk_xts(), tk_zoo(), tk_zooreg(), tk_ts()



data_tbl <- tibble(
    date = seq.Date(from = as.Date("2010-01-01"), by = 1, length.out = 5),
    x    = seq(100, 120, by = 5)

### ts to tibble: Comparison between and tk_tbl()
data_ts <- tk_ts(data_tbl, start = c(2010,1), freq = 365)

# No index

# Defualt index returned is regularized numeric index

# Original date index returned (Only possible if original data has time-based index)
tk_tbl(data_ts, timetk_idx = TRUE)

### xts to tibble: Comparison between and tk_tbl()
data_xts <- tk_xts(data_tbl)

# Dates are character class stored in row names

# Dates are appropriate date class and within the data frame

### zooreg to tibble: Comparison between and tk_tbl()
data_zooreg <- tk_zooreg(1:8, start = zoo::yearqtr(2000), frequency = 4)

# Dates are character class stored in row names

# Dates are appropriate zoo yearqtr class within the data frame

### zoo to tibble: Comparison between and tk_tbl()
data_zoo <- zoo::zoo(1:12, zoo::yearmon(2016 + seq(0, 11)/12))

# Dates are character class stored in row names

# Dates are appropriate zoo yearmon class within the data frame

Time Series Resample Plan Data Preparation


The tk_time_series_cv_plan() function provides a simple interface to prepare a time series resample specification (rset) of either rolling_origin or time_series_cv class.





A time series resample specification of of either rolling_origin or time_series_cv class.


Resample Set

A resample set is an output of the timetk::time_series_cv() function or the rsample::rolling_origin() function.


A tibble containing the time series crossvalidation plan.

See Also



FB_tbl <- FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
    select(symbol, date, adjusted)

resample_spec <- time_series_cv(
    initial = 150, assess = 50, skip = 50,
    cumulative = FALSE,
    lag = 30,
    slice_limit = n())

resample_spec %>% tk_time_series_cv_plan()

Coerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time columns to ts.


Coerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time columns to ts.


  select = NULL,
  start = 1,
  end = numeric(),
  frequency = 1,
  deltat = 1,
  ts.eps = getOption("ts.eps"),
  silent = FALSE

  select = NULL,
  start = 1,
  end = numeric(),
  frequency = 1,
  deltat = 1,
  ts.eps = getOption("ts.eps"),
  silent = FALSE



A time-based tibble or time-series object.


Applicable to tibbles and data frames only. The column or set of columns to be coerced to ts class.


the time of the first observation. Either a single number or a vector of two numbers (the second of which is an integer), which specify a natural time unit and a (1-based) number of samples into the time unit. See the examples for the use of the second form.


the time of the last observation, specified in the same way as start.


the number of observations per unit of time.


the fraction of the sampling period between successive observations; e.g., 1/12 for monthly data. Only one of frequency or deltat should be provided.


time series comparison tolerance. Frequencies are considered equal if their absolute difference is less than ts.eps.


Used to toggle printing of messages and warnings.


tk_ts() is a wrapper for stats::ts() that is designed to coerce tibble objects that have a "time-base" (meaning the values vary with time) to ts class objects. There are two main advantages:

  1. Non-numeric columns get removed instead of being populated by NA's.

  2. The returned ts object retains a "timetk index" (and various other attributes) if detected. The "timetk index" can be used to coerce between tbl, xts, zoo, and ts data types.

The select argument is used to select subsets of columns from the incoming data.frame. Only columns containing numeric data are coerced. At a minimum, a frequency and a start should be specified.

For non-data.frame object classes (e.g. xts, zoo, timeSeries, etc) the objects are coerced using stats::ts().

tk_ts_ is a nonstandard evaluation method.


Returns a ts object.

See Also

tk_index(), tk_tbl(), tk_xts(), tk_zoo(), tk_zooreg()



### tibble to ts: Comparison between tk_ts() and stats::ts()
data_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
    date = seq.Date(as.Date("2016-01-01"), by = 1, length.out = 5),
    x    = rep("chr values", 5),
    y    = cumsum(1:5),
    z    = cumsum(11:15) * rnorm(1))

# as.ts: Character columns introduce NA's; Result does not retain index
stats::ts(data_tbl[,-1], start = 2016)

# tk_ts: Only numeric columns get coerced; Result retains index in numeric format
data_ts <- tk_ts(data_tbl, start = 2016)

# timetk index
tk_index(data_ts, timetk_idx = FALSE)   # Regularized index returned
tk_index(data_ts, timetk_idx = TRUE)    # Original date index returned

# Coerce back to tibble
data_ts %>% tk_tbl(timetk_idx = TRUE)

### Using select
tk_ts(data_tbl, select = y)

### NSE: Enables programming
select   <- "y"
tk_ts_(data_tbl, select = select)

Time series feature matrix (Tidy)


tk_tsfeatures() is a tidyverse compliant wrapper for tsfeatures::tsfeatures(). The function computes a matrix of time series features that describes the various time series. It's designed for groupwise analysis using dplyr groups.


  .period = "auto",
  .features = c("frequency", "stl_features", "entropy", "acf_features"),
  .scale = TRUE,
  .trim = FALSE,
  .trim_amount = 0.1,
  .parallel = FALSE,
  .na_action = na.pass,
  .prefix = "ts_",
  .silent = TRUE,



A tibble or data.frame with a time-based column


A column containing either date or date-time values


A column containing numeric values


The periodicity (frequency) of the time series data. Values can be provided as follows:

  • "auto" (default) Calculates using tk_get_frequency().

  • "2 weeks": Would calculate the median number of observations in a 2-week window.

  • 7 (numeric): Would interpret the ts frequency as 7 observations per cycle (common for weekly data)


Passed to features in the underlying tsfeatures() function. A vector of function names that represent a feature aggregation function. Examples:

  1. Use one of the function names from tsfeatures R package e.g.("lumpiness", "stl_features").

  2. Use a function name (e.g. "mean" or "median")

  3. Create your own function and provide the function name


If TRUE, time series are scaled to mean 0 and sd 1 before features are computed.


If TRUE, time series are trimmed by trim_amount before features are computed. Values larger than trim_amount in absolute value are set to NA.


Default level of trimming if trim==TRUE. Default: 0.1.


If TRUE, multiple cores (or multiple sessions) will be used. This only speeds things up when there are a large number of time series.

When .parallel = TRUE, the multiprocess = future::multisession. This can be adjusted by setting multiprocess parameter. See the tsfeatures::tsfeatures() function for mor details.


A function to handle missing values. Use na.interp to estimate missing values.


A prefix to prefix the feature columns. Default: "ts_".


Whether or not to show messages and warnings.


Other arguments get passed to the feature functions.


The timetk::tk_tsfeatures() function implements the tsfeatures package for computing aggregated feature matrix for time series that is useful in many types of analysis such as clustering time series.

The timetk version ports the tsfeatures::tsfeatures() function to a tidyverse-compliant format that uses a tidy data frame containing grouping columns (optional), a date column, and a value column. Other columns are ignored.

It then becomes easy to summarize each time series by group-wise application of .features, which are simply functions that evaluate a time series and return single aggregated value. (Example: "mean" would return the mean of the time series (note that values are scaled to mean 1 and sd 0 first))

Function Internals:

Internally, the time series are converted to ts class using tk_ts(.period) where the period is the frequency of the time series. Values can be provided for .period, which will be used prior to convertion to ts class.

The function then leverages tsfeatures::tsfeatures() to compute the feature matrix of summarized feature values.


A tibble or data.frame with aggregated features that describe each time series.


  1. Rob Hyndman, Yanfei Kang, Pablo Montero-Manso, Thiyanga Talagala, Earo Wang, Yangzhuoran Yang, Mitchell O'Hara-Wild: tsfeatures R package



walmart_sales_weekly %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
      .date_var = Date,
      .value    = Weekly_Sales,
      .period   = 52,
      .features = c("frequency", "stl_features", "entropy", "acf_features", "mean"),
      .scale    = TRUE,
      .prefix   = "ts_"

Coerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time columns to xts.


Coerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time columns to xts.


tk_xts(data, select = NULL, date_var = NULL, silent = FALSE, ...)

tk_xts_(data, select = NULL, date_var = NULL, silent = FALSE, ...)



A time-based tibble or time-series object.


Applicable to tibbles and data frames only. The column or set of columns to be coerced to ts class.


Applicable to tibbles and data frames only. Column name to be used to NULL by default. If NULL, function will find the date or date-time column.


Used to toggle printing of messages and warnings.


Additional parameters to be passed to xts::xts(). Refer to xts::xts().


tk_xts is a wrapper for xts::xts() that is designed to coerce tibble objects that have a "time-base" (meaning the values vary with time) to xts class objects. There are three main advantages:

  1. Non-numeric columns that are not removed via select are dropped and the user is warned. This prevents an error or coercion issue from occurring.

  2. The date column is auto-detected if not specified by date_var. This takes the effort off the user to assign a date vector during coercion.

  3. ts objects are automatically coerced if a "timetk index" is present. Refer to tk_ts().

The select argument can be used to select subsets of columns from the incoming data.frame. Only columns containing numeric data are coerced. The date_var can be used to specify the column with the date index. If date_var = NULL, the date / date-time column is interpreted. Optionally, the argument from the underlying xts::xts() function can be used. The user must pass a vector of dates or date-times if is used.

For non-data.frame object classes (e.g. xts, zoo, timeSeries, etc) the objects are coerced using xts::xts().

tk_xts_ is a nonstandard evaluation method.


Returns a xts object.

See Also

tk_tbl(), tk_zoo(), tk_zooreg(), tk_ts()



### tibble to xts: Comparison between tk_xts() and xts::xts()
data_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
    date = seq.Date(as.Date("2016-01-01"), by = 1, length.out = 5),
    x    = rep("chr values", 5),
    y    = cumsum(1:5),
    z    = cumsum(11:15) * rnorm(1))

# xts: Character columns cause coercion issues; must be passed a vector of dates
xts::xts(data_tbl[,-1], = data_tbl$date)

# tk_xts: Non-numeric columns automatically dropped; No need to specify date column

# ts can be coerced back to xts
data_tbl %>%
    tk_ts(start = 2016, freq = 365) %>%

### Using select and date_var
tk_xts(data_tbl, select = y, date_var = date)

### NSE: Enables programming
date_var <- "date"
select   <- "y"
tk_xts_(data_tbl, select = select, date_var = date_var)

Coerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time columns to xts.


Coerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time columns to xts.


tk_zoo(data, select = NULL, date_var = NULL, silent = FALSE, ...)

tk_zoo_(data, select = NULL, date_var = NULL, silent = FALSE, ...)



A time-based tibble or time-series object.


Applicable to tibbles and data frames only. The column or set of columns to be coerced to ts class.


Applicable to tibbles and data frames only. Column name to be used to NULL by default. If NULL, function will find the date or date-time column.


Used to toggle printing of messages and warnings.


Additional parameters to be passed to xts::xts(). Refer to xts::xts().


tk_zoo is a wrapper for zoo::zoo() that is designed to coerce tibble objects that have a "time-base" (meaning the values vary with time) to zoo class objects. There are three main advantages:

  1. Non-numeric columns that are not removed via select are dropped and the user is warned. This prevents an error or coercion issue from occurring.

  2. The date column is auto-detected if not specified by date_var. This takes the effort off the user to assign a date vector during coercion.

  3. ts objects are automatically coerced if a "timetk index" is present. Refer to tk_ts().

The select argument can be used to select subsets of columns from the incoming data.frame. Only columns containing numeric data are coerced. The date_var can be used to specify the column with the date index. If date_var = NULL, the date / date-time column is interpreted. Optionally, the argument from the underlying zoo::zoo() function can be used. The user must pass a vector of dates or date-times if is used. Important Note: The ... arguments are passed to xts::xts(), which enables additional information (e.g. time zone) to be an attribute of the zoo object.

For non-data.frame object classes (e.g. xts, zoo, timeSeries, etc) the objects are coerced using zoo::zoo().

tk_zoo_ is a nonstandard evaluation method.


Returns a zoo object.

See Also

tk_tbl(), tk_xts(), tk_zooreg(), tk_ts()



### tibble to zoo: Comparison between tk_zoo() and zoo::zoo()
data_tbl <- dplyr::tibble(
    date = seq.Date(as.Date("2016-01-01"), by = 1, length.out = 5),
    x    = rep("chr values", 5),
    y    = cumsum(1:5),
    z    = cumsum(11:15) * rnorm(1))

# zoo: Characters will cause error; must be passed a vector of dates
zoo::zoo(data_tbl[,-c(1,2)], = data_tbl$date)

# tk_zoo: Character columns dropped with a warning; No need to specify dates (auto detected)

# ts can be coerced back to zoo
data_tbl %>%
    tk_ts(start = 2016, freq = 365) %>%

### Using select and date_var
tk_zoo(data_tbl, select = y, date_var = date)

### NSE: Enables programming
date_var <- "date"
select   <- "y"
tk_zoo_(data_tbl, select = select, date_var = date_var)

Coerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time columns to ts.


Coerce time series objects and tibbles with date/date-time columns to ts.


  select = NULL,
  date_var = NULL,
  start = 1,
  end = numeric(),
  frequency = 1,
  deltat = 1,
  ts.eps = getOption("ts.eps"), = NULL,
  silent = FALSE

  select = NULL,
  date_var = NULL,
  start = 1,
  end = numeric(),
  frequency = 1,
  deltat = 1,
  ts.eps = getOption("ts.eps"), = NULL,
  silent = FALSE



A time-based tibble or time-series object.


Applicable to tibbles and data frames only. The column or set of columns to be coerced to zooreg class.


Applicable to tibbles and data frames only. Column name to be used to NULL by default. If NULL, function will find the date or date-time column.


the time of the first observation. Either a single number or a vector of two integers, which specify a natural time unit and a (1-based) number of samples into the time unit.


the time of the last observation, specified in the same way as start.


the number of observations per unit of time.


the fraction of the sampling period between successive observations; e.g., 1/12 for monthly data. Only one of frequency or deltat should be provided.


time series comparison tolerance. Frequencies are considered equal if their absolute difference is less than ts.eps.

a vector by which the observations in x are ordered. If this is specified the arguments start and end are ignored and zoo(data,, frequency) is called. See zoo for more information.


Used to toggle printing of messages and warnings.


tk_zooreg() is a wrapper for zoo::zooreg() that is designed to coerce tibble objects that have a "time-base" (meaning the values vary with time) to zooreg class objects. There are two main advantages:

  1. Non-numeric columns get removed instead causing coercion issues.

  2. If an index is present, the returned zooreg object retains an index retrievable using tk_index().

The select argument is used to select subsets of columns from the incoming data.frame. The date_var can be used to specify the column with the date index. If date_var = NULL, the date / date-time column is interpreted. Optionally, the argument from the underlying xts::xts() function can be used. The user must pass a vector of dates or date-times if is used. Only columns containing numeric data are coerced. At a minimum, a frequency and a start should be specified.

For non-data.frame object classes (e.g. xts, zoo, timeSeries, etc) the objects are coerced using zoo::zooreg().

tk_zooreg_ is a nonstandard evaluation method.


Returns a zooreg object.

See Also

tk_tbl(), tk_xts(), tk_zoo(), tk_ts()


### tibble to zooreg: Comparison between tk_zooreg() and zoo::zooreg()
data_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
    date = seq.Date(as.Date("2016-01-01"), by = 1, length.out = 5),
    x    = rep("chr values", 5),
    y    = cumsum(1:5),
    z    = cumsum(11:15) * rnorm(1))

# zoo::zooreg: Values coerced to character; Result does not retain index
data_zooreg <- zoo::zooreg(data_tbl[,-1], start = 2016, freq = 365)
data_zooreg                # Numeric values coerced to character
rownames(data_zooreg)      # NULL, no dates retained

# tk_zooreg: Only numeric columns get coerced; Result retains index as rownames
data_tk_zooreg <- tk_zooreg(data_tbl, start = 2016, freq = 365)
data_tk_zooreg             # No inadvertent coercion to character class

# timetk index
tk_index(data_tk_zooreg, timetk_idx = FALSE)   # Regularized index returned
tk_index(data_tk_zooreg, timetk_idx = TRUE)    # Original date index returned

### Using select and date_var
tk_zooreg(data_tbl, select = y, date_var = date, start = 2016, freq = 365)

### NSE: Enables programming
select   <- "y"
date_var <- "date"
tk_zooreg_(data_tbl, select = select, date_var = date_var, start = 2016, freq = 365)

Replace Outliers & Missing Values in a Time Series


This is mainly a wrapper for the outlier cleaning function, tsclean(), from the forecast R package. The ts_clean_vec() function includes arguments for applying seasonality to numeric vector (non-ts) via the period argument.


ts_clean_vec(x, period = 1, lambda = NULL)



A numeric vector.


A seasonal period to use during the transformation. If period = 1, seasonality is not included and supsmu() is used to fit a trend. If period > 1, a robust STL decomposition is first performed and a linear interpolation is applied to the seasonally adjusted data.


A box cox transformation parameter. If set to "auto", performs automated lambda selection.


Cleaning Outliers

  1. Non-Seasonal (period = 1): Uses stats::supsmu()

  2. Seasonal (period > 1): Uses forecast::mstl() with robust = TRUE (robust STL decomposition) for seasonal series.

To estimate missing values and outlier replacements, linear interpolation is used on the (possibly seasonally adjusted) series. See forecast::tsoutliers() for the outlier detection method.

Box Cox Transformation

In many circumstances, a Box Cox transformation can help. Especially if the series is multiplicative meaning the variance grows exponentially. A Box Cox transformation can be automated by setting lambda = "auto" or can be specified by setting ⁠lambda = numeric value⁠.


A numeric vector with the missing values and/or anomalies transformed to imputed values.


See Also



# --- VECTOR ----

values <- c(1,2,3, 4*2, 5,6,7, NA, 9,10,11, 12*2)

# Linear interpolation + Outlier Cleansing
ts_clean_vec(values, period = 1, lambda = NULL)

# Seasonal Interpolation: set period = 4
ts_clean_vec(values, period = 4, lambda = NULL)

# Seasonal Interpolation with Box Cox Transformation (internal)
ts_clean_vec(values, period = 4, lambda = "auto")

Missing Value Imputation for Time Series


This is mainly a wrapper for the Seasonally Adjusted Missing Value using Linear Interpolation function, na.interp(), from the forecast R package. The ts_impute_vec() function includes arguments for applying seasonality to numeric vector (non-ts) via the period argument.


ts_impute_vec(x, period = 1, lambda = NULL)



A numeric vector.


A seasonal period to use during the transformation. If period = 1, linear interpolation is performed. If period > 1, a robust STL decomposition is first performed and a linear interpolation is applied to the seasonally adjusted data.


A box cox transformation parameter. If set to "auto", performs automated lambda selection.


Imputation using Linear Interpolation

Three circumstances cause strictly linear interpolation:

  1. Period is 1: With period = 1, a seasonality cannot be interpreted and therefore linear is used.

  2. Number of Non-Missing Values is less than 2-Periods: Insufficient values exist to detect seasonality.

  3. Number of Total Values is less than 3-Periods: Insufficient values exist to detect seasonality.

Seasonal Imputation using Linear Interpolation

For seasonal series with period > 1, a robust Seasonal Trend Loess (STL) decomposition is first computed. Then a linear interpolation is applied to the seasonally adjusted data, and the seasonal component is added back.

Box Cox Transformation

In many circumstances, a Box Cox transformation can help. Especially if the series is multiplicative meaning the variance grows exponentially. A Box Cox transformation can be automated by setting lambda = "auto" or can be specified by setting ⁠lambda = numeric value⁠.


A numeric vector with the missing values imputed.


See Also



# --- VECTOR ----

values <- c(1,2,3, 4*2, 5,6,7, NA, 9,10,11, 12*2)

# Linear interpolation
ts_impute_vec(values, period = 1, lambda = NULL)

# Seasonal Interpolation: set period = 4
ts_impute_vec(values, period = 4, lambda = NULL)

# Seasonal Interpolation with Box Cox Transformation (internal)
ts_impute_vec(values, period = 4, lambda = "auto")

Sample Time Series Retail Data from the Walmart Recruiting Store Sales Forecasting Competition


The Kaggle "Walmart Recruiting - Store Sales Forecasting" Competition used retail data for combinations of stores and departments within each store. The competition began February 20th, 2014 and ended May 5th, 2014. The competition included data from 45 retail stores located in different regions. The dataset included various external features including Holiday information, Temperature, Fuel Price, and Markdown. This dataset includes a Sample of 7 departments from the Store ID 1 (7 total time series).




A tibble: 9,743 x 3

  • id Factor. Unique series identifier (4 total)

  • Store Numeric. Store ID.

  • Dept Numeric. Department ID.

  • Date Date. Weekly timestamp.

  • Weekly_Sales Numeric. Sales for the given department in the given store.

  • IsHoliday Logical. Whether the week is a "special" holiday for the store.

  • Type Character. Type identifier of the store.

  • Size Numeric. Store square-footage

  • Temperature Numeric. Average temperature in the region.

  • Fuel_Price Numeric. Cost of fuel in the region.

  • MarkDown1, MarkDown2, MarkDown3, MarkDown4, MarkDown5 Numeric. Anonymized data related to promotional markdowns that Walmart is running. MarkDown data is only available after Nov 2011, and is not available for all stores all the time. Any missing value is marked with an NA.

  • CPI Numeric. The consumer price index.

  • Unemployment Numeric. The unemployment rate in the region.


This is a sample of 7 Weekly data sets from the Kaggle Walmart Recruiting Store Sales Forecasting competition.

Holiday Features

The four holidays fall within the following weeks in the dataset (not all holidays are in the data):

  • Super Bowl: 12-Feb-10, 11-Feb-11, 10-Feb-12, 8-Feb-13

  • Labor Day: 10-Sep-10, 9-Sep-11, 7-Sep-12, 6-Sep-13

  • Thanksgiving: 26-Nov-10, 25-Nov-11, 23-Nov-12, 29-Nov-13

  • Christmas: 31-Dec-10, 30-Dec-11, 28-Dec-12, 27-Dec-13




Sample Daily Time Series Data from the Web Traffic Forecasting (Wikipedia) Competition


The Kaggle "Web Traffic Forecasting" (Wikipedia) Competition used Google Analytics Web Traffic Data for 145,000 websites. Each of these time series represent a number of daily views of a different Wikipedia articles. The competition began July 13th, 2017 and ended November 15th, 2017. This dataset includes a Sample of 10 article pages (10 total time series).




A tibble: 9,743 x 3

  • Page Character. Page information.

  • date Date. Daily timestamp.

  • value Numeric. Daily views of the wikipedia article.


This is a sample of 10 Daily data sets from the Kaggle Web Traffic Forecasting (Wikipedia) Competition


